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"Let's be off then little kicker, we are already quite behind." 

The white creatures closed the final distance between us and, each taking one of my arms, lifted me to my feet and dragged me from the place they had called a 'cut'.

I let myself hang sort of limp for a while, not knowing exactly what to do in the situation. Let's just say it was definitely a first for me.

We reached the edge of the cut and I saw that the rock was just as sheer and featureless as the first time I had looked at it. The demons however stepped out into the air without hesitation, and I watched in amazement as the black rock instantly molded itself into a step, coming up to match each movement of their feet as they carried me effortlessly down the rock face.

"Woah..." I mumbled, watching the rock tremble and change like liquid being poured from a glass.

"I have to say my dear you are being rather disappointingly docile as of this moment..." The creature I thought to be Mersheas spoke from my left side.

"Yes indeed, you aren't kicking us at all, and I was so looking forward to punishing you for it." Taureel sighed at my right. 

"She's not even screaming." They both looked at each other in dismay.

"How-how is the rock...moving?" I asked still staring in awe at the flowing material beneath my feet.

"Curiosity..." Mersheas flickered his dark eyes down to mine.

"You know what they say about curiosity little girl..." Taureel finished his sentence. I narrowed my eyes at them and repositioned my legs, making more of an attempt to control my own movement, their grip on my arms tightened with anticipation.

"I'm just trying to walk don't get your panties in a twist." I said irritably, I'd never appreciated being controlled, them being scary looking wasn't gonna change that.

Mersheas snickered "I still can't quite comprehend your brashness in the face of being carried to a pit of human misery by two demons who have the authorisation to slit your throat if you become troublesome."

"Though admittedly you won't 'die' as such," Taureel continued "you will simply be 'reset', still, it hurts like a bitch, care to try?" He lifted one pale finger to trace a line slowly across my neck, I shuddered. He smiled. "Screams are the sweetest symphony..." He whispered wistfully.

I stuck my chin out in defiance. Like I was gonna let those pale freaks scare me, who did they think they were talking to? I was the queen of gore, I watched bloodbaths for breakfast. No one in the whole town could rival my classic horror movie collection. 

"Are you gonna tell me how this rock works or not?" I didn't bother to hide my annoyance.

Their surprise at my lack of fear was evident on their faces. Clearly this was not the usual reaction to their little show. I waited expectantly for my explanation of the rock.

Looking at each other they seemed to communicate something without words before nodding slightly and turning back to me. "The materials of this realm can be called upon to serve a function when required, by a demon or other entity with the power and authorisation to do so." Mersheas spoke.

"The time and nature of what can be summoned is unique to each class of demon, the lower the class, the lower the power and therefore, the less that can be summoned by it. " Taureel continued.

"For example a low class, useless demon such as Egg..." Mersheas gestured to the little bug eyed troll shuffling along behind us, who was still glaring at me "Can only summon very basic things, he can create himself a dirty little hole to sleep in, or a bowl to eat from, not that he bothers..." Mersheas looked with disgust at the misshapen bundle of rage that was now squeaking and hiccuping froth.

"Higher level demons such as ourselves can manipulate and summon a wider variety of things." Taureel gestured to the silver emblem on his cloak, which I guessed must indicate rank, and then to the rock that continued to eagerly flow into steps ahead of us. "Demons who outrank us have more power, and can summon more. Power goes up the chain just like in your human societies, though you can only summon something if you are authorised to."

That made sense. "So where am I on the class scale?" I asked

"You my precious, are a new soul. You are weak and feeble like an infant, lower in importance even that Egg, you possess no power and never will. Your only function is to bend to every request made of you, for the rest of eternity."

They both laughed their scathing raspy laugh that sounded like wind tearing at the shutters in a storm as we reached the bottom of the steps and walked towards a tunnel.

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