Glass Eyes

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And so it was that I found myself slowly sinking into the plush piles of velvet cushions that littered every surface that could possibly be slept on in the room of the seventh Prince of Hell.

After a few more embarrassing moments of uninhibited weeping into the chest of Belphegor he had walked me the seemingly short distance to his room. Either he had more than one or some kind of demon magic had been used to move it because the once distant room now seemed to be exactly where he wanted it, exactly when he wanted it.

The mouth of the cherry-eyed demon curled up slightly at the corners in his usual half-smile as he gently poured a pot of boiling water over the dark tea leaves. I watched the clear water become rich and amber as it sifted through the leaves and into the cups waiting patiently below.

"Where is the sense in walking to a place when the place could walk to you?" He answered my unspoken thoughts, his eyes still fixed intently on his task.

"That was cryptic."

He chuckled quietly before setting the pot down to the side of the cups on the dark wooden table. I took the cup offered to me and watched as the steam curled up from its porcelain rim with a movement like tiny translucent cat's tails.

"Try some then, it's a special herb tea, it should help to calm your body after what you did."

Belphegor's eye twitched slightly as he spoke. He quickly regained his expression but somehow just for a second looked like he had said something he shouldn't have. It must have just been my imagination.

'After what I did?' What is that supposed to mean?

I dismissed the comment and took a sip of the tea, it was strange. The hot dark liquid fizzed on my tongue slightly as I drank, it was oddly metallic, and at the same time extremely sweet, as though a lot of sugar had been used to mask a certain taste that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I set my cup back down on the table, coughing slightly to try to clear my throat.

I noticed that Belphegor's cup hadn't moved since he'd poured the tea.

"Aren't you going to drink any?" I asked, suspicion starting to creep into my voice as the fizzing sensation continued to move down my throat and into my stomach. I was beginning to feel a little nauseous.

He seemed a little caught out by my observation, and his hand moved hesitantly to his cup. He didn't seem to be  particularly focusing on what he was doing however and ended up knocking it over. We both watched as it clinked musically against the polished wood and the tea seeped greedily into the grain, disappearing almost instantly. He smiled nervously and quickly set the cup back upright on its saucer.

"Are you feeling ok?" I asked, my brow furrowing as I watched the demon who was now very flustered. If I knew anything about Belphegor, it was that he did not get flustered and that he definitely did not knock things over.

"I'm fine, just fine Allison." He cleared his throat nervously, eyes flickering from me to my tea and back again.

"Y—ouu don' call me that." I replied, my words began to slur and I swayed dangerously on my seat.

The hell is going on here? My inner voice suddenly spoke up as straight lines became wavy lines and my head sank on my shoulders, suddenly feeling like it was filled with sand.

"Youu don' looklike Bellph-" I strained to focus my eyes as my surroundings became more and more fuzzy.

The HELL'S GOING ONN HEEREE? The inner me seemed to be as affected as I was by the strange tea I had been given.

I cocked my head to the side to get a better look at Belphegor and nearly fell over. His cherry-red eyes were almost too red, they looked... they looked fake, like glass eyes in a doll. I noticed now that his face, although almost exactly right was just a little bit wrong, so slight that I could barely even notice it. My eyes began to droop and it was all I could do to keep them open for even a second at a time.

"Bel-" my tongue sat heavy in my mouth like a piece of lead and I had to dig my nails into the soft plush sofa to remain upright. I would have panicked if I could have formed any coherent thoughts.

"You will be punished for your sins, demon." The last word was spat at me like acid and as my eyes clouded over with the darkness of unconsciousness. The last thing I saw was the faint outline of two large white wings, slowly uncurling from the back of Belphegor.


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