Cat and Mouse

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A few minutes had passed since Satan left me and Belphegor in the library, and I was almost certain that he had actually fallen asleep in the middle of the table. I stood up quietly and walked around it to leave.

"So then, you're the one everybody's been talking about."

I stopped walking. Sat cross legged on the table exactly behind me was Belphegor, leaning forwards a little on the palms of his hands. His cherry red eyes twinkled with curiosity and mischief, and I instantly felt that I had underestimated him.

"I wouldn't know." I replied with a smirk.

"That was quite the performance you put on at dinner. I've not been that surprised since Beelzebub shared his desert with me...oh wait, he's never shared his desert with me."

"I didn't mean for all that...I didn't mean to hurt anyone."

"You didn't have much choice in the matter." He gazed up at me and took my chin in his hand. He tilted my head gently, watching how the gleam of the lights reflected across my black eye. Silver danced and swirled in the pitchy depths of my iris, it was alive with the spirit of the rock.

"Hmm." He smiled at me, flashing his sharp canines momentarily. "That really is something else huh?" He let his hand drop from my face before continuing. "I do wonder however, if anyone has asked you how you are feeling about this. You are dealing remarkably well with it. But then again, has anybody really explained it to you? Without sugar coating it I mean. Something tells me you only know what others want you to know, and that is a very vulnerable position to be in."

"I- well, nobody really tells me anything." I confessed.

"Wouldn't you like to know though?" The Cheshire cat grin spread across his features again. "Aren't you even a tiny bit curious little mouse?"

"I'm not even little, or a mouse."

"Hmm, you are little to me, cute too."

I felt the blush rise up my cheeks.

"Even cuter." He raised his eyebrows and flashed me a cocky half smile that all of the princes had seemed to have in common as he leant back on his elbows.

"Shut up." I looked away from him and tried to ignore the nervous butterflies dancing in my stomach.

"I'm not sure you want me to," he stood gracefully from the table and approached my turned back. Folding his hands behind his own he leant down so close to me that I could feel his warm breath on the bare skin of my neck. "Because there are things I could tell you, little mouse, that you would very much like to hear."

I swallowed nervously. He laughed lightly at my reaction. "My door is always open to you, if you ever desire to be educated...on any subject." He added suggestively as he moved away.
"I hope to see you again soon little mouse!" he called over his shoulder as he walked out of sight.


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