Watch Your Mouth

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"Here you go Egg." Mersheas sneered down at the little troll who was waiting for us at the foot of the steps "Think you can handle her from here? I know she put up such a fight at being escorted, it's no wonder you had to call us for help."

Egg opened his mouth to speak but shut it as a flash of red coloured the eyes of both Mersheas and Taureel. I swear I saw their teeth sharpen too but that was probably just a trick of the light. Either way it was pretty damn scary, not that I'd admit it to them.

"She can't even walk straight." Taureel sniggered, poking me with one of his long black nails.

"At least I don't look like a budget Nosferatu." I mumbled swatting his hand away from my arm.

Mersheas erupted into howls of wicked screeching laughter, doubling over and using a terrified nearby slave as a human pole to support himself.

"...what, did you just say to me?"

"Oh, I like this one." Mersheas said, struggling to regain his composure "Very much."

Taureel raised a clawed hand to lift my chin "A budget Nosferatu?" he repeated menacingly, running his black tongue over his now sharpening teeth...ew. I was actually quite surprised they knew who Nosferatu was.

"Now now Taureel, it was only meant in jest I'm sure..." Mersheas stepped towards us in an attempt to diffuse the situation. I quickly realised that these creatures were ridiculously sadistic and easy to piss off, the fact that I amused Mersheas was the only reason my face hadn't been ripped off already.

They seemed to communicate telepathically again for a moment before Mersheas spoke again "You can put her in her place later, but now she is so late for her slot that Passus will punish her anyway... we wouldn't want to deny him that would we?" Taureel reluctantly removed his hand from my face.

"EGG." He screeched.

"y-yes masser?" Egg scrambled to regain his composure.

"Take her to the Hollow... I'll sort out that smart mouth later my dear." he flashed me a chilling smile. Egg grunted at me as they walked away and tugged roughly at my sleeve to get me to follow him.

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