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The enraged howls of the potato creature grew louder as it approached. I quickly scurried back from the edge, staying just close enough so that I could see, but hopefully not so close that I'd be seen. A calmer and somewhat amused voice spoke second.

"Your face must have scared her Egg."


"You know it's not within your duties to discipline the new souls."

"Bu-" I heard a sharp slap and a hiss, followed by an instantaneous yelp. I quickly snapped my head back over the side as the creature I assumed was called 'Egg' and whatever had slapped it appeared from the tunnel. The dull rasping of stone sliding across stone echoed around me and I felt the structure shudder as it moved. Feet climbed steps and then I saw them. Egg sat back on his dirty little feet at the entrance of the cave and rubbed at the blood that was welling up from a new cut on his cheek, staring at me with a mixture of hatred and boiling rage.

A taller, more human but definitely not human creature stood at his side. It's eyes were pure black and it's skin was milk white. It's ears were small and pointed and it's limbs were slightly elongated. It had no hair and wore plain black cloak with a small silver symbol stitched in just below the collar on the left hand side. Unlike Egg who I now noticed bore nothing but a badly shaped leather hat and one dirty shoe.

"Now now now, we have been a naughty girl, haven't we?" It spoke softly, purring the words

I sat staring, paralysed with fear.

"Don't worry sweetheart..." the creature paused, crouching lower to the ground and creeping towards me "Everyone wants to kick Egg."

I heard Egg grunt irritably but couldn't rip my eyes away from the pitch black orbs that now gripped mine to see his reaction.

"But unfortunately..."

I found that the next words I heard were spoken from behind me.

"That's against the rules."

My head snapped back to find another, almost identical white creature crouching just inches from my ear.

"I'll kick you too if you don't back off." I blurted out before I could stop to think better of it.

I didn't know where I got my confidence from but I guessed that it had something to do with the fact that the whole situation was entirely impossible. It was obviously just some messed up dream that I needed to wake up from. A slow rasping laugh echoed around the cave as the creature slinked away, appearing miraculously by the side of the other one. Egg looked terrified as the two creatures rose to their full height and walked towards me.

"My my what a feisty one..."

"Truly, we will have fun"

"I suppose we should be afraid Taureel, I have been told that a single one of her powerful kicks is enough to send a troll riiiiiight over the edge of a cut." The first creature swept it's arm back in a dramatic arc, gesturing to the front of the cave and grinning at me with sharp teeth.

"All the way over you say?" The second white creature looked back in mock horror to the entrance of my cave. "How frightful Mersheas." It leaned toward me yet again, also grinning to reveal it's awful pointed teeth. "I suppose we will just have to be extra careful."

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