I choose You

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Jimin POV

I just finish having shower and come out from bathroom with a wet towel on my head and fully clothed.I found Taehyung sleeping in the living room with Sunbin.Today is sunday,so he taking care of Sunbin.

It's was his Idea to be close with Jeongmeen while taking care of Sunbin.He already made Sunbin like his own daughter.They play together,sleep together and doing father's daughter relationship.

I have known Teahyung feelings for Jeongmeen since I moved to his house.He never tell his feelings toward her but he showed it so that everyone know Jeongmeen belong to him only.

Well,I move in to Teahyung house just because of my girl next door.

I stand in front of the house door,looking direct to Neyna house across the street.My eyes searching for the girl.I know she's going out with her family.It's their routine every weekend,they will go to Bukchon Hanok Village, Seoul.They'll visiting Neyna Haelmoni and Harabeoji who runs a guesthouse in that area.

I know her through Teahyung.They have been friends since primary school and now they going to the same university in town.She's taking art class while Teahyung and I taking musical class.

I never understand my feelings towards her.I hide it until now.I'm afraid if she reject me because I know she was in deep love with Teahyung.That's why I'm staying here, to comfort her if Teahyung broke her heart.

I sighed.I already know it was one sided love.but still..I'm here protecting her.

Sunbin wakes up from her sleep.She rubs her eyes and looked at me.I sit on the couch next to her.

"Oppa,baegopayo [Oppa,I'm hungry]"she sit beside me with her innocence face.I looked at Taehyung and kick his feet to wakes him.

He stretch his self upon waking up and look at me with frowned in his face."Wae?"

"Your beloved daughter is hungry..cook her something or I cook you!"I act to punch him.He roll over his body away from me.

"Oppa..I want ramen.I don't want Teahyung appa to cook for me.He will burn the whole house if he goes to the kitchen."Sunbin grab my arms with both her tiny hand.She shake my arms continually.My body move along with her body.

"Eo...That's only because I love you sunbin-ah"I pinch her cheek.She clap her hand happily.Teahyung sit and lean his body to the wall.He show thumb up to me.

"Jugeullae!! [Do you want me to kill you!!]" I pout while looking at him.He smile wide at me with his eyes barely to open.I went to the kitchen and start making ramen.

"Sunbin-ah,iriwa.. [Sunbin-ah,come here..]"Teahyung call for her daughter.She come to him and sits on his lap.He tied her hair with pink colour hairband.I love seeing Teahyung relationship with Sunbin.They really looks like father and daughter.

"Teahyungie..." I heard one familiar voice come in to our house.Neyna stands in front of our door house with a long tshirt and short pants inside,black leather jacket,black long stocking and Adidas shoes.
clothes like in the picture above.

"Wah..Sunbin are here to.Where's Eomma?"She ask friendly.I heard her foot step heading to the living room.

"Jeongmeen have work to do.So I'm taking care of her today.."Teahyung answered on behalf of his daughter,Sunbin.

"Have you guys eat??I bring kimchi from Haelmoni house.and I bought your favourite food.Gogi!!" She show them a full bag of food.Sunbin stand up and jump happily around her while Teahyung back to sleep and wrap his body with a blanket.

I sigh in the kitchen.Cooking ramen alone while they happy in the living room.

Why I feel like I'm the third wheel in this relationship.

I'm taking 4 pack of Ramen and put it on the kitchen counter.I took 3 eggs,scallions and green papper in the refrigerator.I start cutting the scallions and green papper when suddenly I felt my shoulder is glued to someone's shoulder.

I look to the left,Neyna is helping me cutting the ingrediant.We standing side by side.I gulped and continue my job.

"You want me to cook the ramen??" She asked with a soft voice.I looked at her eyes.It was dark brown colour and she has small eyes same with mine.

I shake my head."Ani!! I can cook it myself. What you gonna cook with gogi?" I looked at the bag she put on the kitchen counter.

She take out all the food from the bag.
"Na molla...What you wanna eat?" She looked at me with a smile.Her eyes become smaller when she's smiling.

"Teahyung likes bulgogi..Just pan fry them." I answered while taking the pan fry in cabinet.

"But I'm asking you...What you wanna eat??"

I freeze for a second and turned my head to her.She raise her eyebrows waiting for my answer.My heart pounding right now,I think I'm gonna throw up because of nervousness.I changed from pan fry,and took out a pot with shivering.

"Can you make me kimchi-jjiggae" I put the pot on the stove imediately.She nodded and start preparing the ingrediant.

We both cooking seriously, like we having a competition.I finish cooking my ramen and put the pot at the kitchen table.

"Do you want me to cook the instant rice??" I ask her while peeking at the kimchi jjiggae.I take a sniff and it smell delicious.She nodded answering to my question.

I took 3 instant rice and put it inside the microwave.She looked at me weirdly.

"Why you put all the rice together in the microwave.Why don't you cook it separately"

I smiled to her." I want the rice to cook faster. I can't wait to taste your kimchi jjiggae." I answer her question while licking my lips.

She shake her head and turn off the stove.I saw she trying to touch the pot holder.I come closer to her and noticed that her height is equal to my neck.

"Let me lifted the pot to table.You help me with rice."I take the pot and quickly put it on the table.She take all 3 instant rice and put it on my plate,
herself and Teahyung.

"Bab meokja!! [Let's eat!!]" I scream to Teahyung and Sunbin.They both run to the kitchen table and take their seat.

There is empty seat beside Teahyung and another one is beside Sunbin.I grab the chair beside Sunbin because I think she probably want to sit next to Teahyung but she suddenly slap my hand softly.

"Why you let me sit beside Teahyung.I want to sit with Sunbin and feed her."She hold my hand so that I let go the chair.I back to the empty seat beside Teahyung and sit quietly while looking to the girl I love.

She smile brightly while eating her food.Her smile make my heart melt and die at the same time.She can make me fall in love with her over and over.We look like the perfect couple if Teahyung is not here..I'll definately gets this girl one day.
Seokjin POV

I smell something delicious when come in to my house.I just got back from urgent meeting with client.Mr.Joe my personal assistant and Danny my bodyguard escort me until the front door.They both left after seeing my dad on his study room.

I went to the dinning table and see a lot of variety foods have served.My mom come with a plate on her hand.She's setting the table.

"Wow..It look delicious." I said while taking my seat.My dad come to the dinning table after finished his short meeting with Mr.Joe.

"Did you cook all these dishes.." My dad ask to my mom when she put the rice on his plate.

"I have my helper..She indeed a great chef."my mom smile while looking at me.

"Who's your helper.."I asked her.She look at the kitchen door when a girl heading towards us.

I looked at the girl with a confuse look.She take a sit beside my mom and smiled to me.

"orenmanida oppa [Long time no see,Oppa.]" She said cheerfully.I only look at her without sound.

Gyeong mi??

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