Rainy Day on Monday

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"Eomeoni...Where is my sweater that I left on the couch yesterday.."Jungkook's searching for his sweater.His room is in mess.He only wearing his long pants.

"Aigoo..Jungkook-ah.I just finished sweeping the floor.Now you make a mess..Aisshh..."His mother smack his head with a ladle.Jungkook rubs his head and pouted.

He crossed his arms and sit at the couch with wrinkles in his face.Showing his protest to his mother,but she doesn't care at all,she take all the clothes on the floor and put back into drawer then lefted the room.

Jungkook felt guilty seeing his mother left without any explanation wherebout his sweater.He take a peek outside the room and see his mother headed to his room with his sweater.He smirked and back to the couch with a sad face.Pretending that he still mad at her.

"Here is your sweater..It full of dirt and I was cleaning it.I can't stand seeing the stain on your sweater.You're working too hard."she left the sweater on the couch beside Jungkook and then lefted the room.

Jungkook send his mother away with a sad look.He knows she must be crying while washing the sweater.And He believed that his mother was sad seeing him working after school.Now after he graduates,he can't futher his study because he have to take care of his mother.

Jungkook wearing his sweater with a black shirt inside.He come out from his room and found his mother cooking for dinner in the kitchen.He came closer and hugged her tightly from behind.

"I'm sorry Eomeoni..I know it's hard for us to survive in this condition.But I promise it won't be the same anymore.I will work harder to make you proud."Jungkook loosen his hand and turned his mother towards him.He then kiss his mother forehead and smile.

"You're my sweet bunny,My kookie.Of course I'm afraid if anything happen to you.I don't want to lose you like your father."His mother smile looking at Jungkook face while her hand swept dust on his sweater.

"Aniyo...Nothing will happen to me.I will always stay beside you no matter what happen.I promise.."Jungkook raise his right hand.His mother giggles from his action.

"I love seing you like this.I'm happy.And I believe dad was happy to.."Jungkook look at his mother face when she faded her smile.

She then push Jungkook away and back to cooking.Jungkook just smiled and hugged his mother again.

"Saranghae Eomeoni...I'm going to work.If anything happen.Just call."Jungkook lefted a kiss on his mother cheek.Grab his sling bag and goes outside.
"Thank you,see you later.."Jungkook give a bow to his manager and left the convenience store.He working as a store keeper at the 7E near his house.

It was raining that night.Thank god he always be prepared and lefted an umbrella inside the store.He open his transparent umbrella and walk to his house.It will take only 20-30 minutes from his house to his work place.

Jungkook put earphone to his ear and keep the higher volume.He like listening to music while walking alone.He listened to 'we don't talk anymore' from Charlie Puth and humming to the song.Rain is getting heavier and don't have sign to stop.His sweater is already soaking wet.

He stop at the traffic light to cross the street and waited until the green light turns red.Suddenly his eyes catch a new café acrossed the street.

Black rose café...what a name.I bet the owner is a women name rose.

He talked to himself while rubbing his hair with right hand and left hand holding the umbrella.The traffic light turns to red,Jungkook cross the street while looking at the café before him.It's a double-storey café in red and black colour.

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