"Alright, Katie that will be all. You may be on your way and I'll get back to you as soon as I can about my choice." Shaking my hand she nodded and headed out the door.

Pulling out a new blank paper I looked up. In walked a girl in baggy pants and a holy dirty shirt. Her hair was up in a messy bun. It looked as if she hadn't washed it for weeks. Her rank smell instantly overpowered the room. Putting my hand up she stopped walking. Looking away I said, "Next. Just next. Go. Oh, sweet goddess." I try to be nice to everyone I meet and not judge by appearance, but there was nope hope for her. Shrugging her shoulders she walked out not even caring. As she left another girl walked in. This girl not much better than the last. The way she strutted her butt so much made her look like she was twitching and couldn't control it. She was wearing a jean skirt that could be mistaken for a belt. As she walked you could see her pink underwear. Her stiletto boots reached to her knees. Her boobs were on the brink of popping the buttons off her white top. Bright pink lipstick covered her lips and mascara was globed onto her lashes. Giant hooped earrings dangled from her ears. Her long platinum blonde hair was straightened.

Getting annoyed I said, "Seriously, who lets these ladies in here." Looking around for someone to answer, but no one was there but the butler. He just gave me a look and shrugged his shoulders. The girl stopped at my words. Making an ugly face she stomped her heel and marched back out the door. Rubbing my face with my hand I waited for the next girl to come in. This girl was much better. Her skin was mocha and hair was jet black and curly. She wore a blue blouse along with a white long skirt. Light make up covered her face. Smiling at me she sat down. "Hello, I'm Michelle Skye." "Hello, Michelle. You obviously know who I am." She lightly laughed at my statement. Responding she said, "Yes I do your majesty."

"Okay, let's get these questions going. I'm going to ask you a few questions and then let you go." "Alright," she responded. "Okay, What's your favorite color?" Looking up at her she was shocked. "That's the question?" "Yes. It is the question indeed," I said back to her. "Royal blue." "Okay. Okay. Next question. What would you say people like most about you?" Taking a moment she thought before answering. "Umm. Well, I've been told I have a kind personality and a lovely smile. Coming from myself personally, I think I'm very understanding." "That's good to hear. And you do have a lovely smile." Her mocha cheeks blushed a little red at my compliment. "Thank you." "You're welcome," I said smiling at her. "Last question. How would you assess yourself as queen? That is around me and then other people?" "For starters, I would stand by you, but give you space to do your own thing. Give you room to run your kingdom. Doing my duties with honor and pride as I should beside you. As for around other people, I would show them you didn't make a mistake. I would prove myself worthy of my position." I smiled at her answer. It was very well thought through. "Okay Michelle, it has been a pleasure talking with you. I will definitely let you know soon of my choice." Standing up she shook my hand and said, "Thank you and I hope so." With that, she left the room. That girl is definitely on the top of my list.

Sighing to myself, I still have like seventeen girls to go. At least if I know right away I don't want to talk to them I can boot them. The next girl walked in. She looked to be around 16. Way too young for my taste, but I'd give her a chance. "Hello, my names Cealsy Crooks," she said plopping in the chair. She wore a white sundress and sandals. Her deep brown hair curled slightly at the bottom. "Hello, Cealsy Crooks. I'm going to ask you a few questions." "Okay," she replied lazily. "How old are you?" "16." Getting this over faster I fired questions at her and she fired answers right back. "Would you get married right now if you had a choice?" "I don't know. I don't think so." "Last question. Answer honestly. Are you really prepared to be a queen?" "Honestly... No," she let out a sigh like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. "Do you want me to choose you?" "In all honesty... No again." "Okay, Thank you for your time Cealsy. You've answered your own question. You are free to go home and worry about being a queen some other day." Once I finished talking she stood up thanked me and left. The next girl who walked in creeped me out. She was wearing some sort of satanic dress. A bloody dagger hung from a chain around her neck. I may be a vampire. People say I'm a child of Satan himself, but hell, that's straight up wack! "Next!" As I said that she started screaming weird things. "Someone get her out of her please!" A few seconds later guards came and drug her away. In walked a six-year-old girl. "You have got to be kidding me," I said under my breath. She plopped in the chair. The thing looked as if it was swallowing her. "Hello. I'm Isabella Crane. My daddy is Fredrick Crane." Her little voice was high pitched and hurting my ears.

Fredrick Crane. I knew him all too well. He pushed for years to try and get my fathers land and rule our kingdom. This was not happening. "Look little girl. See that nice looking butler over there?" I said point to the butler who smiled at us. "Yea." "If you go with him he'll bring you to the kitchen and get you a nice big bowl of ice cream." "Sweet!" She hopped off the chair and walked over to the butler and took his hand. I watched them walk out. Sighing I rubbed my face with my hand. I was definitely not liking this one bit. Looking over at the clock on the wall I've been here for two hours already. Two hours too long. The butler came back and walked up to me. "My lord, a few of the ladies have been pulled away due to an incident amongst them in the line. There are three girls left now." "Thank you, Lyle. You may send the next girl in." With that, he returned to his post next to the door letting the next girl in. This girl wore a long silky emerald green dress that went perfectly with her fiery red hair. Sliding elegantly in the chair she said, "Hello Pierce. I'm Dawn Princeton of Keth and Emily Princeton." Her red lips curling into a smile. She gave off this unique smell. Instantly I knew what it was. "You're a witch correct?" "Yes, I am indeed." Humming to myself I nodded. "Good to know," I said as I write that down. "What is your main goal here Dawn?" Her words rolled off her tongue like butter in hot a skillet. "My goal is to make an impact on you and this kingdom for the better good. To make everyone here stronger and grow together, after all, we are a team aren't we?" "Yes, we are indeed." Going to the next question, "What drives you?" "The urge to make things be the best they can be. I believe when something is good it can be better and when it's better it can still be pushed to its best." I nod at her show her I'm satisfied with her answer. "Last question. Are you prepared for whatever is thrown at you in this position?" "I am. I don't think I am. I know I am." "Alright Dawn, I will be talking with you in a few days on my decision." Standing up she walked out of the room. The sound of her heels clicking on the floor behind her. Standing up I looked at Lyle, "Don't send any more in. I found a suitable girl if my mate doesn't appear." With that, I walked out the back way and head to my room. I was in a dire need of a nap.

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