Chapter no.29

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It is easy to fall into a world of fantasies and oblivion. But realisation hits you hard. It hits you right when you have given up all your senses to a dream you have always dreamt of. It hits you in the heart, the heart that never learns from mistakes it has made in the past. And then comes the guilt. Guilt was what made my world come crashing down upon me making me shake myself awake. I had been sleeping hadn't I? I had been sleeping in his arms when Maria had been suffering and Valerie had screamed. Valerie had been the maid's daughter. I could almost imagine the look on a mother's face who knew she could do nothing to save her child. I could hear the maid screaming in agony when the remains of her daughter were all she had been given. Not her living daughter, not even a full corpse, just remains.

I had seen her trying to reach the coffin, to open it and see her child for the last time. But what was there to see? My heart seemed to claw at my insides from the pain it felt. If this was what I felt, I could not possibly fathom what a mother would feel. Even tears had dried up as my eyes gazed out of the window unblinking. Angelo would see me like this and instantly know what was wrong. He didn't want me to go to Valerie's funeral, but I had insisted. It was the least I could do.

The incident left nothing of Maria's body. And she had had no family of her own. And this increased the guilt I felt ever since Matteo told us everything.

I couldn't let this happen anymore. I had to stop this. I had to. I had seen enough people dying and leaving me with regrets. I had had enough of Renaldo ruining other lives just to get to me.

I looked up from my book to the door as it opened and closed softly as Angelo walked in. He looked so dishevelled yet he managed to look just as......appealing.

I put the book down to slip out of the bed. I made it to the door when he grabbed my hand to stop me.
"Your dinner-"
"Not hungry love."
"Yes, " he pulled me to his chest.
"How has your day been?" I asked him.
"Not quite wonderful without you." I blushed slightly. I had grown habitual to his light kisses on my forehead. I couldn't live without them anymore. "Just stay, I will be right back."

Padding across the room, I let my hair down from my messy bun, brushing the locks out with my fingers. As I looked at the mirror, I saw a girl, a girl who had nothing left of the past and no future. She was just living the present. She did not know where would she find herself, the next time she woke up. A girl who had criminals on her trail and she didn't know what was so special about her. She was just,, normal. The only things not normal were her red-rimmed, puffy eyes and a ridiculously expensive nightgown she adorned. And next to her I saw him, the man that loved her, loved her to the point where it got scary at times. The girl watched him like he was just a distant memory. All his actions made him unreal. The way he walked up behind her and enveloped her in his arms. The way his eyes pierced into her eyes and right through her, making her soul fall in love. The girl had fallen in love with him.

"Huh?" I came back to reality finding Angelo's voice calling me. I turned to see him watching me closely.
"Is something wrong?" I took a deep breath approaching the door. No, nothing could go wrong now. Because I was going to make it right.
"No! va tutto bene, non ti preoccupare." -No! Everything is fine don't worry.
Was I even in my senses? What was I doing? It felt like I wasn't even in control of my own body anymore. I watched myself lock the door before turning to face him. I noticed his dark eyes raking my body before focusing on my lips. He had no idea what that did to me. This time, his eyes held me in a strong hold, not letting me look away. In this moment, I wanted to forget everything that was happening around us. I wanted to forget that I was being chased by the mafia. I wanted to forget that Renaldo even was a problem in the first place.

Another realisation for me, a guilty pleasure. I was in love with him, I was in love with my husband. I was in love with Angelo Ean Pasquale.


A real quick update for you guys. I know! I know! It's short. But just wait and read how much I have in store for you guys. Hope you guys will like it. Comment and tell me what do you think is the future for Angeline?

And also who just wants to kill me for the sexy cliffhanger lol!!!?
Stay tuned for more.
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