Chapter no.18

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My mind wanted me to spill everything to her once and for all. But my heart loved her too much. And the truth all at once would be too much for her. I poured out what my heart felt for her. The innocent look in her eyes nearly made my heart stop beating.

I found it impossible to break eye contact with my angel who looked so at peace when she looked at me. I didn't even deserve a second glance from her yet here she was in my arms.

I had no idea what my confession would do. Would it make her believe how dearly I loved her? Or would she be afraid to open up to me? My love for her had turned into obsession. If being jealous of the air she breathed in through those rosy lips was obsession, if being envious of her fingers around which she twirled her silky strands of hair was obsession than most definitely I was obsessed. Appalled by the inconceivable beauty she and only she possessed.

And seeing such a beauty cry and waste her priceless tears would be a shame. I would do anything to consume myself with misery just to save her. She was my everything from the instance my eyes fell on her angelic face that might just be prettier than a real angel's. I wouldn't dare tell her anything I knew about her parents until she trusted me enough. She had to be oblivious to the facts that could ruin her so badly.

Finding out myself the truth just a week after her awakening from her comatose state, I had been devastated as to how would I break this news to my beloved angel. And I had decided, I would have to bring her to trust me before I told her so that she would confide in me to keep her safe and not go running away instead or do something to herself in her distress.

My eyes shifted around the calm room and then settled on the ethereal beauty that rested in my arms. Her eyes closed, her breaths deep and slow as she slept peacefully. It had been just two days ago when I had told her about the danger she was in and had confessed to her and even though she had always put a brave face on ever since, I knew she was scared. She could feel the threat as every second ticked by.

And that might be the reason, she never protested since that day when each night I took her in my arms so she would sleep without worry. No matter what the reason, I was more than happy to hold her all night. Hold her as my own. Protect what was rightfully mine.

The heart never stops dwelling on dreams even in the darkest of times, and my heart desired to marry my enchantress properly one day. It imagined this surreal beauty in a magnificent white gown that would add to her angelic glow and she would walk down the isle smiling at me, brightening my dark world. Making my dead heart beat again, breathing life into me.

I would vow to her cross my heart to love her till the end of my very being. To cry for her so she wouldn't have to shed a single tear and to take every ounce of her pain along with my own if it were to come to her. And I would kiss those soft lips that had a power to heal my every wound. And I would seal us in matrimony for the end of both of us.

She would bare my child and I would take care of her and of my little princess or prince. I imagined her walking around with her pregnant belly and her glowing face.

But as much as I hated to admit, my world was a dark place. The world of weapons, drugs, crime and mafia. How would I ever be able to shield my Celine and our child from all of this?

That is where my heart stopped dreaming and all the lovely visions vanished into nothingness. That is where my dreams shattered.

Before Celine set foot into my life that wasn't so lifelike, I had never been afraid of anything. I had done things I would always regret and I took bullets to my chest as if they were nothing. But now, I knew that she was my life itself, I so desperately wanted to cut ties with the underworld and take her away from this side of the already cruel world. Renaldo knew she was my strength and my weakness. And unintentionally I had put her in more danger now that she was my wife, my one true love.

She stirred in her sleep shifting around in my arms. I pulled her closer, as she shivered slightly and pulled her further under the covers. I smiled looking down at my little tigress. She wouldn't like to see me without a shirt and so close to herself but a little teasing would bring this fierce angry side out of her that I loved. She was daring and that added to her beauty.

Her eyes opened and instantly she cast her spell over me without knowing it. Just a look into her dazzling eyes and I lost myself.
"Morning!" She said sleepily. "......and why are you not wearing a shirt?"
"Morning sunshine." I said kissing her forehead. And ignoring her question.

I was surprised to see her smiling back at me. It looked unreal how an angel like her blessed a demon like me with her bounty smile. She gazed into my eyes thinking something. Was she still afraid?

"I shouldn't have told you about this." I admitted to her. "I would have killed you if you hadn't told me." She said with that cute frown on her forehead. "Oh I would love to see you try tésoro."

She made a pouty face and tried to roll away from me and out of bed but I caught her.
"Where do you think you're going?" I asked pulling some of her hair away from her face. She didn't answer just kept looking into my eyes. I leant forward slowly until my face was inches from hers.

"La mia bella incantatrice."-my beautiful enchantress. She cast her eyes away from me. A comfortable silence fell between us and I held my breath drinking in the sight before me. Her innocent brown eyes glanced back and forth between me and herself.
Her soft pink lips were slightly parted as she breathed.
"I'm sorry my love." I whispered.
"What for?" She asked frowning slightly.

"For putting you through all of this. You must miss the freedom. And I promise once all of this is finished I'm going to take you anywhere you'd like to go."
I knew I would have to let her go once the threat upon her was gone. And it saddened my heart so much almost to the point where I wanted to rip it out for her to see. See that it only beats for her. If only she would understand why I couldn't just let her go.

Because somewhere inside me was a selfish demon. Selfish enough to keep this angel to himself. Because light could only shine it's brightest in absolute darkness. I was that darkness and she was my light.


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