Chapter no.17

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I hated how I loved to sleep in this bed. Honestly, it couldn't have been more inviting than it already was. So warm and soft and not to mention how wonderful it smelt.

It smelt of him.

I nuzzled into my pillow even more and smiled. No matter how much Angelo annoyed me, I loved his bed. Well......that sounded wrong. To me at least. Angelo however, would be more than happy to hear that. I sensed it before it hit me. A breathing pillow?

And the next few moments, scared the living crap out of me as strong warm arms wrapped themselves around my waist. My heart plummered to my mouth and my eyes shot open.

His dark mysterious eyes watching me from only inches above me. I knew where I was but I seemed to have forgotten how to move away. My breaths became shallow and my mind was too foggy for me to think rationally.

"Buongiorno!"-Good morning. He whispered.

His voice! His voice!

"Why are we in the same bed?" I asked trying to sound angry ignoring how my heart fluttered at his sensual Italian accent.
"You didn't seem to mind sharing a bed just two minutes ago my love." He replied with his dazzling smile. "I-I thought it was my pillow." I protested pathetically.

Good job Celine.

"Of course you did love."
"Ugh! Why the hell are you so annoying?" I whined. "Why the heaven are you so beautiful?" He said as his smile broadened. Why? Why does he have to be so charming and sexy?
"Fine. I'm out of here." I stumbled off the bed and stumped into the bathroom slamming the door shut.

Merely two minutes in I realised I had forgotten to bring any clothes or a towel.
"Forgot something bambino-baby?" I glared at him before taking everything I needed and marched back to the bathroom.

I tried to take as long as possible so that I wouldn't have to face him. Why was I being so stupid, I didn't know but I was so agitated with myself being powerless when he merely looked me in the eyes.

I found myself thinking back to the kiss we had shared. No matter how hard I denied, a kiss had never felt this amazing before. I put on my clothes and towel dried my hair as I walked out into the room with Angelo still lounged casually on the bed.

His eyes silently scanned me as I dried my hair. My eyes locked with his through the mirror and again I found my heart going wild.
"Don't you have work today?"
"A day off won't do any harm sweetheart."

I would never admit how his nicknames made me blush and I tried to cover it with an eye roll.
"Can I ask you something?" I turned to face him as he propped his head against his elbow.
"Why did you.....marry me?"
"Marrying you meant I could keep you close. It meant you would be mine forever."

I walked to sit down at the edge of the bed as he continued to talk.
".......when you met that accident Celine....I thought I had lost you forever. I had never been so scared all my life. And the only way to assure myself that you were there was to keep you with me."

"Was that the only reason?"
"Avril told me.....she said-"
"You're not safe Celine."
"Why? I was absolutely fine before you came into my life. I had a job and I had scholarship. I had nothing to worry about." It was true and it made me angry.

"You don't understand."
"THEN MAKE ME UNDERSTAND DAMMIT! YOU KEEP ME HERE AGAINST MY WILL AND TELL ME NOTHING BUT YOU STILL WANT ME TO TRUST YOU?" I was louder than necessary but I knew I had to vent it out before I went insane.
"Love! Calm down."
"Just......just stop." I blinked away a stray tear. I knew I would soon breakdown.
"Look at me." He tilted my face to look into my eyes. "Tell me the truth." I whispered.

He sighed.

He sat against the headboard pulling me as he positioned me in his lap. I reluctantly kept quiet because I had to know the truth.
"Seven months ago,.....we got the news that a few students from NYU had gone missing. Now for you to understand,......I keep an eye on any out-of-ordinary activities around me and when I investigated,....I saw into it. We still have no sign of those students. A human-trafficking mafia is behind the kidnappings."

"......after I got the news....I spied that afternoon to see any suspicious activity but there was nothing.....that is when I saw you. I swear I had almost forgotten why I was there. But I had to leave, I had to watch you from a distance. Your mere presence, shed light upon me. I had to protect you.....but never come near you. For I knew it meant I would have to taint your radiance with my darkness. But.....the very same day I raided an abandoned apartment just a few kilometres from the university.......and I found out you particularly, were in danger. They had complete information about you, everything there was to know."

My breath constricted in my throat and I seemed to have lost myself in between the one-sided conversation.
"........I personally kept an eye on you. You might see me as a stalker. But I would do anything to keep you out of harm's way my love. That night at the club,......we were there to know who was targeting you.....that's when you showed up and I almost lost it when I saw another man touching you." I looked into his eyes finding nothing but pure sincerity in them.

"Who were they?"
"Renaldo's men. He's what you can call.....a business rival. He knew you are the only way, to get to me." His face lit with sudden anger. The look on his face frightened me but I couldn't get myself to move away from him either.

"....and the accident? I don't remember much about it."
"Someone shot you."
"I don't know but it was not Renaldo or his men."
"So you mean......"
".......there's more than one person behind you."

I was in deep deep shit. How did I end up in this mess? Why would criminals be on my trail? I was nothing special. Just plain and average all my life.
"I will keep you safe. At all costs, even if it means I have to die. It's all my fault I got you into more trouble than you already were in."

I looked at him disbelievingly. After all he had done for me, he was blaming himself for it? "The bullet should have hit me-" before he could say a word, I put my hand to his mouth.
He slowly closed his eyes and kissed my fingers against his lips.
I looked away. His eyes held an intensity that I could never match to.

Before I could react and move away further from him, his arms went around to encircle me and he trapped me in his arms.
"I love you Celine, and everytime I see you, I want to hold you in my arms and never let go. You’re the girl that fills all the little dark places in my heart. If I would give one reason why I love you for each star in the sky, I would surely run out of stars. You do incredible things to me. Things that no one else can do and never will.
You deserve the world, and I know I can’t give that to you. But I will love you to the very deep. I'll love you till the end.

I miss you when I’m not with you. When I’m not with you, all I do is think about you. When I think about you, I just want to be with you. It's all I've ever wanted and it's entirely what I'll ever want. Nothing else. When I am with you, the only place I want to be is closer.

If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to say how much I love you." My body and mind felt so far apart at this point. How much longer could I hold myself back? I could hear every sweet word leaving his mouth but it felt so unreal.

It sounded.....almost too good to be true.

I didn't know what to say. I had no idea how I would ever match up to his intensity. How I would ever live up to someone who was so different than most people I had known.

All I ever sought was love. Whether it be my father, or anyone else. I never found someone who would tell me how special I was to them. And now finding myself in Angelo's warm embrace, I stood at the brim of doubts and insecurities. I didn't know who he was. But I knew every word he had said was true to the core of his heart. Yet, right there as I rested against his warm chest, I couldn't bring myself to say it back. But one thing, I knew for sure, I would pour my heart out to him one day.


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