Chapter no.9

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Fallen from sky,
Fallen to the ground,
I am the angel of sadness,
Angel of lost hopes,...


Avril spoke up completely outraged. She walked up to the priest.
"How can you allow this Father? Celine would never-"
"It's for the better my child. I wouldn't allow it if it weren't. It is all in the hands of my Lord."

I approached Avril slowly. Avril glared at me. "Avril please. I need your help. We have to take care of Celine together. I love her. I couldn't just leave her alone."

Avril sobbed slightly.
"The doctor said there might be a chance she will never wake up."
I sighed. I looked into her red swollen eyes.
"I believe she will come back. I know she will......"

And with that I left the room, walking through the corridors in silence. I wanted to believe she would come back. But somewhere, I was in doubt myself.

But I was content with my decision. My decision of having her as my better half.

My phone ringing brought me out of a trance and I pulled it out of my pocket and answered the call.
"What?" I snapped.
"M-Mr Pasquale!.......Ms Celine-" hearing her name I ran out of the church and into my car, ending the call before I could hear the full sentence.

I put the car into ignition, reversing it out of the parking and speeding down the road. The tyres screeched in protest. I sped past heavy traffic driving dangerously fast. I dialed Baldwin's number.
"On my way....."

"Celine......please hold on...." I repeated the words in my mind like a prayer. Not caring if I was breaking several traffic rules at once, I quickly parked barging in through the hospital lobby. I almost ran to her ward.

A male doctor was checking her monitors while a nurse was putting an oxygen mask on her, covering her mouth. I took a careful look at her.

She was breathing with difficulty, her chest rising up and down and her eyes wide open.
"What happened?" I asked urgently.
"Mr Angelo. She was attacked-"

Baldwin barged in.
"Angelo. You might wanna take a look at this." He had a small chip in his hand.


"This is the footage of Celine's room." He played it on his laptop.
"Baldwin! I need to take her home. She isn't safe here."

Avril eyed me carefully.
"I'll have all hospital equipment at home for her. A nurse too." I told her. She nodded. I sighed in relief. Someone had tried to shoot her. But the person had a mask on their face.


Her breathing had still not returned to normal and her eyes wide open in fear but unmoving.
"It's okay......calm down my love." I whispered and kissed her forehead, holding her hand tightly.

I held her close in my arms as the driver took us to our house.
"Marcus! Make sure to keep tight security. I want no flaws."

My security encharge nodded from the front seat next to the driver.
"Yes sir."
The car made it through the security gates and the wrought iron gates with several guards stationed everywhere near and around the mansion.
"Welcome home tésoro....." I whispered in her ear holding onto her tightly.
She was more than I could ever ask for. She was everything I didn't deserve.
I caressed her face softly smiling down at her. At my wife. At my queen. The queen that had my heart forever captive.

Marcus opened the door for me and I carried my wife over the threshold.
"Maria........" I called to my housekeeper and Celine's nurse and caretaker. Maria was the only person I could trust.

"Signore Angelo!" Maria bowed her head.
"Your room is ready.....she is in good hands I assure you." She added politely.

"Indeed Maria." I nodded.
I climbed the staircase carrying Celine in my arms. Once in our room, I laid her gently in bed.

I watched her closely taking in her innocence and her beauty. I would love to spend every night with her in my arms. I shook the thought away and stood up straight.

To my utter relief, she had now relaxed a little.
I closed the door and drawed the curtains.

Taking off my waistcoat, I went to take a shower and changed. I was tired. I had to admit. I looked at the empty spot on the bed beside my beautiful Celine and then looked at the couch.

Finally debating with myself, I laid down on the couch drifting into a peaceful slumber knowing that now I could look after her myself.


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