Chapter no.2

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I watched from a distance as she walked out of the door locking it. It was the first time I felt unsure of what to do.

This uneasiness settled in my stomach.
If it weren't for me keeping an eye on her, she'd be walking to her college and back home on her own. This was beyond irritating. Couldn't she just be more cautious? She knew what was going around, she was aware of the kidnappings.

My car had tinted windows so as she stopped next to it looking for something in her purse, I observed her closely without her knowing that someone was looking at her. This also scared me beyond description. She wouldn't even know and someone could easily stalk her.

Didn't she look perfect?
Such innocent beauty.

Her phone rang and she hastily answered it.
She listened to what the other person was saying at the other end and then she spoke.
"I don't have a choice Avi.....yeah I know it's dangerous for me to walk alone......" then she sighed dismissively.
"......alright I'll be careful."

She ended the call and I frowned.
She was in constant danger. They were specifically after her as well. What could I do to protect her?

I waited till she rounded the corner of the street and then followed her in my car.
If I'd have to be a stalker, I'd be happy to be one for her. I'd be anything and everything she'd ever want.

It amazed me how this girl was already changing me in so many ways. The one who had the world wrapped around his fingers was now a slave to this beauty right here. Without her slightest bit of knowledge and effort.

Oh how I wished, I could take her to be mine forever.

She stopped for a moment to look around cautiously. A smile crept onto my face. She looked adorable. If only she knew, she had me going crazy for her. That cute frown on her face had me smiling from ear to ear. Like a love-struck teenager. The only exception here was that I was a full-grown man.

She finally stepped into the college building where her friend waited. She greeted her with a beautiful smile and a hug.
She would be safe for now. So I left.

Rushing off to find Baldwin. We had planned to raid some places where we got traces of the kidnappers last night.
"Everything good?" I greeted him with a hug.
"Yeah bro."

Baldwin and I are first cousins. But he's like the sibling I never had. He'd been with me through thick and thin. Honestly I would trust him with my life.

"The place where you found that file and the CCTV, we searched it again, and we found this...." he handed me a cellphone.

This could prove valuable.
"You won't believe....." he trailed off. Excitement lacing through his voice.
"There's an entire list of contacts........track them down.......noi li trappola."-we will trap them.

"Already done. And they all have a connection. We tracked their locations from the past month and.......we figured out that they all go to the same nightclub.....once a week apparently. We might be able to seize them there."

"Excellent work Baldwin...."I smirked.
Tonight then. Oh who in the world would save them now?


"Celine please...." Avril whined.
"No no no no......N-O spells no."

She crossed her hands over her chest looking away with her I-AM-ANGRY face.
"It won't work this time Avi. I'm still not going." I told her.

She wanted me to go with her to some nightclub party. I don't know. Should I go?
"You know it's disgusting. It makes me sick. All that smell, sweat and-"

"Can you be positive for once?"

She plopped down in her seat next to me as we waited for the teacher to come.
"Just think about it. You might find your TDHS."

"Your tall dark handsome stranger you know." I rolled my eyes at her. She's a hopeless romantic. And I knew she was referring to Angelo. I doubted I would see him again.

"Have they found anything about the kidnapping?" I made an attempt to change the subject.

She sighed shaking her head.
"They're clueless. I saw the principal talk to the cops today. They might want to seal the college close till they're caught."

"It's a very serious matter Celine. They say it could be anything. Human trafficking maybe."
My breath hitched.

This could be disastrous. I felt sick thinking of the possible scenario and its outcomes.

Even the thought of it made me flinch. Could someone be this cruel to sell humans for money and pleasure? Unfortunately, the answer was yes.

"You're going and that's final." She spoke up.
I shook my head.
"This is bad." I muttered.
"Wicked!" She squealed making me laugh.
(Lol! Any Potterheads here?)

Avril could be very persuasive indeed.


I couldn't wait to have their necks in my grasp. Whoever was behind this wouldn't last longer now.

I paced back and forth in my office trying to calm down but the feeling wouldn't just go away. The feeling of fear. Fear for her. For my Celine.

Funny how the man who was feared by all was now fearful himself.

"Time to go Angelo." Baldwin's voice broke my trance. I glanced at the watch.

We made our way to my Range Rover. I put on shades just in case someone at the club recognized me before we caught the bloody culprits.

Baldwin drove us to the destination and we waited.
"Sorry sir you can't-" I knocked out the man guarding the rear entrance. Two of my men dragged him away.
Baldwin and I entered when the doorway was clear.

The club was noisy and dark. Crowded too. Bad thing. We'd have to evacuate before dealing with the bastards.

I made my way to the bar and ordered scotch with Baldwin sitting down next to me.
"Keep your eyes open.....we don't wanna miss them."

We didn't know how they looked like. Someone whom Baldwin knew would signal to us when they came in.

I gulped down my drink and looked around. Everything was fine so far.

I noticed women staring at me with lustful eyes. This made me smirk. I was so used to all this attention. But this was nothing compared to the attention my Celine could give to me. It didn't matter at all. My eyes were only for my beautiful Celine.

I saw no one but her.

And as if my silent prayers had been answered, the most gorgeous girl I'd ever laid eyes on, walked in.
But then I suddenly stopped breathing.

What we were going to do could be dangerous. I had to get her out of here. Oh my Celine! Was this the only nightclub in the entire city?

My eyes snapped to Baldwin who had his eyes glued to.....Celine's friend. What was her name again?

I decided to tease him a little and and shouted over the blaring music,
"Don't get distracted Baldwin, we can't lose them."
At once, he sat up straighter looking away from Avril. Right. Avril was her name.

I chuckled softly.

But the question was how to get these people out of here without the culprits getting any hint? And as quick as possible.


And another update.
Hope you like it.


His Obsession (Ongoing) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora