Chapter no.26

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I watched her petite body resting peacefully against the pillows. She slept peacefully but I felt the pain for her. She didn't complain but I knew I was nothing more than a captor who had snatched her freedom right when she had it. I knew I had done it for her own good. But how was I going to explain it to her when the time came. And when the time did come, would I be able to let her leave me? Let her? I was the one forcing her in the first place. Now, the opposite was happening of what I wanted to do. She didn't just have any sickness, she had been poisoned. After her eyes closed in the bathroom, I caught her in time before she could hit the floor and hurt her head. But what I didn't know was the poison inside of her was sucking the life out of her. Once, I took her out of the bathroom, she had started coughing up blood. Her precious blood stained my shirt and I would honestly give up anything to not see that ever again. Her every whimper in pain stabbed me straight in the heart. I loved her. I loved her with all that I had in me but this love wasn't strong enough to protect her. I failed yet again to keep her safe.
She hadn't moved an inch and it was already past twenty-four hours. She was still unconscious. The poison had been removed but she was constantly burning with fever. It was a sign of her body healing from the damage that poison had done to her. Islene had given her a dry bath to lower her body temperature several times but it didn't seem to work.

Her low moans brought me back to reality and I turned to face the beauty adorning my bed. Even now she looked ravishing. Her slightly flushed skin against her dark fanned out hair. Her dried up rosy pink lips against her soft jaw line. She always made me fall harder in love with her.

I made it to the bed and sat down next to her. I knew her eyes were still closed but judging by the heavy heaving of her chest, I could tell she was awake.
"A-Ang-gelo!" Her voice called out to me. My heart skipped a beat and kicked start at a faster pace. Her voice made my name sound like a symphony.
"Right here love."
"I-p-poison." My eyes widened for a few moments. She knew she had been poisoned?
"Love it's alright. You're fine." I caressed her burning skin softly and she took a deep breath.
"It's cold." She whispered after a short pause.
"Let me get you something-"
"No." She said.

I held her hand in mine and she grabbed on to my fingers tightly. She took a few gulps of air and slowly opened her eyes to look at me.
"Will you, h-hold me? I feel c-cold."
"Let me get you something to eat or dr--" she shook her head again and I pulled her closer to me gently. She put her arms around me and snuggled into my chest. A few moments of silence and the melody of her soft breaths was enough to calm me down. She was right here in my arms. I wished to keep her like this forever. But I knew better. I knew this would end soon.
"There was something in my food, it tasted different, but I didn't pay attention to why it was so. I could have avoided this. I'm sorry I worried you." She spoke softly.
"It's me who is at fault. You have done nothing wrong my beautiful love." I kissed her gently on the head.

She put her head back onto my chest and relaxed up a bit more in my arms. Was she asleep? I thought she was until she spoke yet again.
"I-I was, scared." I pulled away to cup her face in my palms gently.
"No need to be scared. You know I would die to protect you." To my utter surprise she hugged me tightly again.
"I c-can't l-lose you. Not when I have just gotten you Angelo." She sobbed into my shoulder.
"Hey hey hey! Celine look at me." I kissed her cheek lightly.
"We're here now. Let's not talk like that love."

She sniffed but smiled at me nonetheless. She was so beautiful, it made my dark world shine with her soft light and glow with joy.
"I love you my beautiful, little love." She giggled at that and I couldn't help the smile that lit my face.
"Now! You know you were out for at least twenty-four hours miele and I missed you a lot." I teased her and laughed when a blush coloured her already flushed cheeks. "Oh really?"she asked giggling.
"Yes really." I pulled her back to me and crashed my lips against hers. A soft moan escaped her and she tightened her hold on my shirt. If only she wasn't the shy girl I loved so much, I would ask her to tear my clothes apart. The thought itself made my mind spin with alluring thoughts of her and she had no idea, how much she tempted me. Her soft lips rubbed lightly against my stubble and I groaned in pleasure that ignited my desire for her. She sighed softly into my mouth and pulled away.
"You can't just do this to me and pull away like that." I groaned into her ear and laid her back against the pillows holding both her arms on either side of her head.
"Angelo!" She gasped when my lips made contact with her neck. And I realised I had completely forgotten about her fever.
"Love!" I kissed her collarbone.
"You're burning." She gasped again. My tongue licked her sweetly.
"Sh-should I take a bath?" She asked.
"Let me," I placed a kiss on her shoulder. "help you."
"Huh?" She blushed a beautiful crimson in my hold. I bent down again to capture her sweet lips in my own. How the hell would I ever get enough of her? I would never stop if it weren't for her coy behaviour towards me.
"I sh-should take a cold shower." She mumbled into my chest. I chuckled at her innocence and helped her out of bed.
"Are you sure love you can manage?"
"I'll be fine Angelo thank you." She blessed me with one of her breathtakingly beautiful smiles.

I had some real quick business waiting for me downstairs. Then I would come back to her. Holding her face against my palm, I lightly kissed her.
"Call Maria or Islene if you need help with anything. I'll be back before you're done showering okay?" She nodded her head and walked away.

Closing the door quietly behind me, I walked passed one of my bodyguards.
"If this happens to her again, you are dead." He could guard her until I was back with her again.
"Baldwin!" Baldwin met me half way down the staircase.
"Angelo! It was her food."
"I know."
"One of the maids is gone."
"Which one?" I gritted my teeth in anger. I knew it was a traitor. An insider was the only way to reach her.
"WHAT!!!" I eyed my best friend in shock. How could this be? Maria had been working here for years. Ever since she was a little girl. This was bad. This was getting out of my hands. Was there no one I could trust? Was it all just a matter of time until everyone would turn against me?

"Get them all to me right now." I said calmly. Inside I was seething with anger. I stormed off to my study.
"ALL OF YOU. I WANT EVERYONE RIGHT HERE! NOW!" I shouted and in less than two minutes everyone gathered around me.
"I am not going to repeat this again. Listen up. If anyone else here has the guts to as much as lay a hand on Celine, come out now. If I find you myself, you are not going to live to see the daylight again." I heaved in heavy laboured breaths. They were testing my patience and I wasn't the least bit happy about it.

My eyes roamed over every face and my eyes fell on a very nervous looking maid. Her hands shook with fear and her eyes bugged out of their sockets.
"You." I pointed at her and she collapsed onto her knees in a matter of seconds.
"S-sire! Please f-f-forgive m-mme." I clenched my fists tightly. I had to stop myself before I went too far. I was seeing red. How many were there? Was everyone trying to hurt my Celine?
"Sire! Here see this." She handed me a phone with shaky hands and my eyes fell upon pictures after pictures of a young girl barely fourteen or so bound to chains.
"Sire! My daughter. H-he threatened me."
My mind processed the information quickly and I surfed through her contacts only to find Renaldo's name in it.
"M-Maria i-is missing sire! She never did anything. It was I who put the poison in m'lady's food. They took Maria so that no one would suspect me. I couldn't do anything. They have my daughter."
"Track this number. We have to get the girl out of there as soon as we can."
"On it." Baldwin left after that and everyone got back to their work. The maid sobbed quietly in a corner. I was tired of betrayal, rejection and my own life. But it came with the price of what I had become, a monster.

I walked back to the room and quietly opened the door. Her calming presence instantly warmed me up. Her scent enveloped my senses. All my anger and tiredness forgotten once my eyes fell on my love. She sat at the edge of the bed swinging her legs. But she hadn't showered. "Something wrong sweetheart?" I walked up to her and knelt down to her eye level.
"The water. It's so cold. I can barely touch it." I slipped my hand into hers.
She frowned adorably before standing up from her sitting position.
"Where do you think you're going?" I caught her before she could brush past me.
"I'm not doing it."
"You are." I smirked as a mischievous idea popped up in my head.
"I'm not." She chided.
"Oh yes you are my love." Before she could make a move, I gathered her up in my arms. Her melodious giggling echoed in the room. Damn was she strong. I had to carry a very giggly and struggling wife into the bathroom.

"Angelo! Please don't."
"You're going to like it once you get used to the water."
I backed her up against the shower wall caging her in my arms.
"I'm sorry my love but this is for your own good." She opened her mouth to speak but I turned on the faucet and a loud squeal left her lips. I was fully dressed in my t-shirt and jeans and she was still in her night gown and we were drenched in a matter of seconds. Seeing that she was shivering I pressed myself tighter against her now drenching body.
"C-curse y-yo-you." I lightly chuckled and gently lowered my lips to hers. They begged for my attention and I would give them just that.


His hard and muscular body pressed into mine. And it was the most delicious sensation I had ever felt in my life.
I cursed him half heartedly. He chuckled softly and lowered himself to capture me in a gentle torturous kiss. He just had to do this to me. He had no idea how hard was it getting to resist him. My fingers curled into his now wet and dripping locks that made him look so much more palatable than he already was. And I kissed him back. My happy place was in his arms. And as long as I was here, I knew I was safe. And oblivious.


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