Level 12:\Sandbox -Treading the New World-

Start from the beginning

Edgar and Valerie went to Henry's room and saw the twins did a group selfie shot while on their athletic outfits.

"The Hatsyas are on it again!" Edgar winked at the two. "Y'know, you two can pass as athletic outfit models for kids apparel!" 

Valerie patted Edgar's shoulder, "Henry has to man up though, but he looks cute on those shorts"

"Nah, he's already manned up, not embarassed to wear something fitted as that" Edgar pointed Henry's legs.

Iris whispered on Henry's left ear, "I find this one awkward already, Henry"

Henry nodded in a jiff, Every morning, they ridiculed yet liked our nightly clothing. Let them be, this is how we shine as Hatsya twins anyway!

OFFLINE:\Philippines\Parañaque City\Hatsumi's Residence>

Hatsumi sang a Japanese pop song in front of her mirror. I wonder what shall I wear for today's NOAH trip? She opened her wardrobe and wore her pink schoolgirl costume. She faced the mirror and did a peace sign in front of her left eye, "Chuu!" and waved her right hand, "Hello, Hatsumi-masshu here!  Today, we'll go northward to find new cities in Briarwelt!"

Nah, I don't think doing a cosplay-themed livestream will work this time. She donned her volleyball uniform and a short-sleeved pink hoodie vest. "I'm fine with this, unless I'll do a parody of Wrecking Ball" she laughed at herself while she posed in front of her tall mirror.

She combed her long hair again and settled her tonight's livestream outfit. Beside her drummer schoolgirl action figure, her purple-cased smartphone rang with a sound of a purring cat.

She answered the phone and Romeo's voice welcomed her, "Masshu-nyan, Romeo here!"

"Why did you call early today, Ruru?" Hatsumi asked, as she turned on her translucent cyan desktop computer.

"Mimi, we have bad news today..." Romeo said on the other line.

"What is it, Ruru?" she logged on her DailyTube channel.

Romeo warned, "Watch out for FranZetta66, Mi-chan!. He's looking for anyone who knew about the Call'Field champ named Derek"

"Why are we tied on those guys anyway?" she looked for FranZetta66's video through the search box.

"Just watch the video, I'm sure he's a trending topic in every gaming forum too" Romeo hanged up.

She clicked on the first video entitled The Horn of the Horngarner will get You! Upon clicking, she saw a cartoony icon of a bull with smoking oversized rifle rounds on its nose. A young man's voice spoke in the static video clip,

"If anyone of you can point out the Call of the Battlefield Philippine champion's whereabouts, please call my phone number provided at the description"

Hatsumi let out a deep breath, "What's the deal with that guy?"

The young man in the video said to its viewers, "As you can see, that jerk ran off with all the championship money while I'm beaten by his buddies! The Horn will stop at nothing until all of you tell me where the hell is Derek 'DerekHit' Velarde!"

Why is that kid asking the whole internet about the winner's whereabouts anyway? Hatsumi opened an online video downloader and took its video for safekeeping. While downloading, she reported the user's account to the site's authorities.

OFFLINE:\Philippines\Caloocan City\Franzen's House>

Franzen logged on his dinky piano black laptop computer and a DailyTube advisory email message welcomed him upon startup. "Tch! You can't stop me from finding that Derek!" Franzen said to himself as he clicked the trash icon on the upper left of the email message.

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