~Chapter Nineteen~

Start from the beginning

"Evan.... did you..?"

"I fought back but... He overpowered me. I'm... I'm not very strong compared to an alpha." He looks concerned, holding out his hand for him to take. He needs to touch him. He needs to make sure this is real. Evan moves forward and takes his hand.

"I thought... When you wouldn't answer your phone, I thought you didn't want me anymore. Cause I'm... Well, I'm sort of... Ruined."

"You're not ruined. You're still Evan and you're still mine.... I sorta marked you." They're the only ones in the room.

"... I know, but... I don't feel the same. I can't... I can't look at myself anymore without... Without seeing what he did." He squeezes his hand only slightly, closing his eyes tight.

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry you went through that...."

"There's nothing you could've done, I should've listened to you and not gone, it's... It's my fault." Jared pulls him down gently to hug him.

"I love you so much..."

"I love you too." he pauses.

"Why did you say I deserved Connor?"

".........because you do.. I still don't think you deserve me. I've been an asshole to you for years. Telling you that our "friendship" was for car insurance..."

"And... And now you tell me you love me every day. You make me feel wanted, needed, even."

"You are needed. I need you."

"I need you too."

"God..... Y'know, the school year hasn't started yet. My dad kicked me out of the house. What I went to NJ with you?"

"I... You'd have to share a room with Jeremy and I."

"It's fine with me if it's fine with you two."

"It's definitely fine with me, but um... I'm not sure about him."

"Do you have his number?"

"Uh yeah, lemme just text him..."

E: [Jeremy, would you mind if we took in Jared as well? It'll be like Michael, but for me.]

Je: [sure? I mean that probably means I'm gonna spend more time at Michael's house]

E: [If that isn't a problem with you it isn't one with me either]

Je: [then go ahead]

"He's all right with it. Now to convince my mom... Shouldn't be too hard."

"Bring her in here. We got this."

"Okay. All right. Do we want to tell her about..?"

"I'm sure she knows. Your mom isn't stupid"

"I meant the mark. I've been extremely careful. She doesn't know."

"Oh... uh, well only if you want to.."

"I think... I think if I don't tell her now I never will."

"The let's do it now. Get it over with."

"Okay. Okay, I'll go get her." He brings her in and she gives sympathy to Jared.

"So um... Mom, we've got to have a discussion."


"Jared... Can't go home and the school year hasn't started, so we were thinking... He could come live with us?"

"Uh, well..... I mean why can't he go home?"

"My dad kicked me out."

"Oh.... I'm sorry."

"It's... Well, I wouldn't say complicated, but..."

"Well I mean.. we can't just take him. With us. He still legally belong to his dad. We would to sign adoption papers."


"Well we can do that. Connors parents are taking my dad to court for Child abuse, since I'm not quite 17 yet. He could go to jail."

"Which would be so good..."

".......alright. We'd have to go to the police then"

"All right. Not impossible." he reaches for Jared's hand again. Jared takes it. Mrs. Hansen notices.

"Anything else?"

".... A couple things..."

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