"Oh, my god. Do you remember this?" Elena asked, handing her a paper.

Mom took it from her. "The paper I thought was a way to cheat the casino. God, I felt horrible after I found out the truth and an idiot."

"That's because you spent so much time around the boys," Marissa grinned.

"Yeah, but think about it. Our parents lied to all of us. My mom sat in your kitchen and lied that day. The only ones that knew the truth were Ryan and the boys," Elena said.

Mom looked at Elena. "You didn't know?"

"I knew to a point, but not the whole arranged marriage crap. I mean, who does that?" Elena asked her.

"Crazy people," Marissa chimed in.

"I can't believe it's finally over," Mom said.

"You know it's funny; it's been so long since we haven't had a moment's peace without someone hunting us down, I forgot what it was like," Elena said.

"Has it always been this crazy even before you all met me?" Mom asked.

"Sometimes but nothing like what we encountered through the years. I mean, we've always dealt with the Frazier family in some fashion, but the craziness over the past thirty years has been something else," Elena said, digging through a box and pulling things.

"It seems surreal if you ask me," Marissa said. "Has RJ and Emma set a date?"

Mom pulled out some old photos, looking at them. "Knowing RJ, he will want a brief engagement. What about you?"

"Mackenzie and Shawn want to get married as soon as they graduate. Leo is planning on asking Nik soon. Austin, well, I have no clue. He doesn't seem like he's ready to get hitched soon. What about yours, Elena?" Marissa asked.

"Well, we already know about Shawn and Mackenzie, but Liam and JJ are a whole other ball game. I suspect they will both elope, which is fine with me, as long as I'm there," Elena said, digging into a box.

Mom looked through some pictures coming across old photos with the guys. "Wow. Look at these." She handed them to the girls as they thumb through them.

"Oh, my god, the Great pie prank," Elena laughed.

"Look at us at homecoming," Marissa laughed.

"We had some crazy times," Mom said.

"Yeah, but they were so fun," Elena said.

"God, I feel like I missed out on so much with you girls in high school," Marissa said.

"Yeah, but at least you got to have fun with us toward the end," Mom said.

"This is true," she smiled.

As Mom thumbed through the pictures, one caught her eye out of all of them. "Elena? Isn't this your dad?"

Elena took the picture from her and looked at it. "Yeah, and isn't that your dad?" Elena asked, pointing to grandpa.

"Yeah, it is. Who are the other two men?" Mom asked.

Elena studied the picture. "This one is Frank, Jordan's dad, and I don't know who the other guy is."

Mom flipped the photo over. It had a date and names of all the people on the back. Charles Jones, Greg Hartley, Frank Shaw, and Maurice Frazier. Spring break with my best friends.

The three of them looked at each other. "Our dads were best friends?" Elena asked, stunned.

Mom stood up, and Marissa asked, "Where are you going?"

Saintwood: Game Over ✔️ (Wattpad version)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon