The truth

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A week later, they released all of us from the hospital. That also meant returning to school to finish our current semester so we could start the last one. Dad even secured an unfamiliar house for us to share, and yes, we had the brothers in tow. I got used to living with them and their craziness.

Dad opened the door, and I hopped through on my crutches, as did Xavier and Angelo. Austin, Mack, and JJ slowly made their way in after us, while the others helped bring our stuff into the house. I took a seat on the couch and put my leg up on the coffee table, as did Angelo and Xavier.

The other three took a seat with the help of our dads. Yeah, the six of us were moving a little slower than average. While we sat there like lumps, they helped the others bring stuff in and put it in our rooms.

I positioned myself and hissed through my teeth. "Is your leg bothering you?" Austin asked.

"Yeah, fucking Mitchell sliced close to my artery and tore my quad. The doctor said it would take a while," I answered.

"Thanks to those assholes, I lost a kidney," JJ grumbled.

"I take it that they couldn't save it," I mentioned.

"No, they did some damage when they stabbed me and cut. At least I still have one," JJ answered.

"Oh, stop your whining, you enormous baby," Liam said, walking into the room and taking a seat.

"Just wait until I'm better," JJ said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, pft," Liam said, moving his hand in a jerking motion.

"Hey, at least you didn't have Nik's nasty sock shoved in your mouth," Austin said. "That reminds me where is my precious baby brother so I can shove something in his mouth."

"Too late, I think Leo is already taking care of that," Liam smirked.

We all groaned, and dad said, "Yeah, I didn't need to know that. Thanks for sharing, Liam."

"Any time, Uncle Ryan," Liam said.

I sat there on the couch as everything that happened played in my mind. There were still some unanswered questions to all of this.

"RJ, what's wrong?" Dad asked.

"It seems too easy," I mentioned.

"In what way?" Dad questioned.

"All of it. I mean, think about it, most people that plot and plan, don't take us on that quickly. Honestly, if Josh and Frisco lost their lives because of this, don't you think it would be larger than some woman feeling jealous of mom?" I questioned.

That got everyone's attention. We were so worried about the current situation we hadn't been looking at the bigger picture. Someone wanted to take our focus off the enormous map and put it on the smaller one. The person wished to distract us. The question was, who and why?

While we were busy dealing with things, mom did some cleaning of her own at the house and enlisted my two aunts.

"When are the boys expected to return because this should be their job?" Marissa said, bringing a box from upstairs and setting it on the floor.

"Ryan said as soon as they settle everyone, they should be home within the next couple of days," Mom said, rifling through a box of stuff.

"I swear my brother has become such a hoarder over the last few years," Elena said, pulling out clothes.

"Well, we can't blame him. My mom sent me some stuff since she and my dad downsized after moving into the senior community," Mom said, pulling out some stuff from her childhood.

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