Chapter 23

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Drew POV

I stood on the corner in the alley waiting on any customers who wanted to buy the coke.

"Aye baby can I get a nickel bag?" This crack head looking lady walked over with her baby in her arms.

"You need to take your ass home and take care of your child!" I yelled in her face. This bitch is sad! Then this baby look so sick and hungry.

"Please. I need this." She begged.

"Yo D. Just give it to her man." Shampoo said while leaning against the brick building behind me. I hesitated but gave it to her.

"Thank you." She smile and walked off. I shook my head at her. Inglewood is sad as fuck!


I sat on my couch twisting my basketball on my middle finger until the doorbell rang. I stood up and opened the door. My boyfriend, Anthony, stood there looking like straight man candy!

"What are you doing here? Nobody is here." I placed my ball by the window.

"I just wanted to visit you. UCLA is out for spring break." He licked his big full pink lips. I opened the door wider for him to come in.

"So Drew not here?" He looked around before sitting down.

Anthony and Drew hate each other! Anthony says Drew treats me like I'm 12. Drew says Anthony only wants to get on me. Honestly I don't give a fuck what Anthony wants or what Drew thinks. Anthony is the star ball player at UCLA and when I go there we are going to be the power couple. Even though he's a junior there I still have hope for us.

"Nope. I think he out with his boys." I shrugged. I sat beside him and flipped through the channels.

"How basketball going?" He asked while wrapping his arms around me.

"Cool. But my friend on the team got problems and they really ain't shit without me, her, or Derrika." I admitted.

To be real that team sucks ass! Them girls don't even be trying to win. When Derrika and I graduate the team will be left up to Jade. I hope she can handle it.

"I been missing you girl." He leaned in and kissed my lips. I leaned back on the couch with our lips still attached.

"Ant." I moaned out. His hand roamed up my shirt and to my bra. I quickly pushed him aside.

"What now?" He asked kind of irritated.

"I'm not ready for all this." I admitted.

"You said that the last three times! I am a ball player and have needs, Zoe! If you can't provide for me I might need a more mature girl at my college." He said.

The last thing I want is for Anthony to leave me for one of those smart, pretty girls at UCLA. I know he is all out of my league but I really care about him. I mean lets be real. Who wants a hood rat when they can have a pretty AKA at their college?

"Listen baby girl. I love you and I'm just tired of having to go to my dorm room every night after a game while my teammates get laid by their girls. I feel since we been dating for four years you can at least pay me back in return." He shrugged.

I don't know about this. This don't sound right at all but I really want to keep Anthony. I be horny at night too but I keep myself under control. But at the same time I want to stay pure because I may not be with Anthony forever. Then I will have nothing to save for my husband.

"I'm scared." I told him. And he simply laughed. The laugh pissed me off so bad that I didn't even know how to react.

"Not big bad Zoe! Not bossy Zoe!" He laughed.

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