Chapter 8

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Jade POV

We stood outside my house. I saw Percy's car in the driveway so he is home.

"Want me to tell him?" Drew asked.

"No! I will." I built enough courage and knocked on my door. Percy came to the door. His scanned everybody's face but he gave Drew a double look.

"Daddy!" I fell into his arms crying. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on top of mines.

"What's wrong baby girl?" He asked. I just cried uncontrollably.

"Wassup Percy." I heard Drew say. Percy just stared at him.

"What the fuck y'all do to her?!" He snapped. I never heard him use such language.

"Daddy I'm hurt." I cried in his chest.

"Who hurt you Jade?" He looked me in my puffy eyes.

"Principle Harris hoe ass!" Shampoo snapped. Percy squinted his eyes at Shampoo.

"Principle Harris?" Percy looked confused. I pushed pass him and into the house. I saw he said something to my friends as they nodded and left. I sat on the couch shaking and crying.

"Jade." Percy softly touched my arm. I flinched away from his touch. I hate anyone to touch me now. But I notice when Drew puts his arms around me I don't fight the feeling.

Percy gives me a funny look. He sits on the couch next to me and try to touch me again. I bag away to the other end of the couch.

"Where the clothes at I saw you wearing this morning?!" He said looking me up and down.

"Principle Harris ripped them." I admitted.

"Who the hell is that?! And why is he ripping your clothes off?!" Percy sounded angry.

"My principle raped me." I cried into Percy's chest. He wrapped his arms around me as I crawled closer into his arms.

"Shhhh. I promise I'm gone handle this. No need to get the police involved. I'm gone handle this myself." Percy said more to himself.

"How you gone handle it?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Don't worry about that. You just go to school and be a good girl. Daddy gone handle that fool!" Percy clenched his jaw.

I knew then Percy was in the streets. What straight hard working man wouldn't want to get the police involved?! Percy doesn't want to get the police involved because he had his own illegal background I bet.

I'm not even gone bring it up to him. At least not now anyway. Right now my private part is kind of sore and I am no longer a virgin! I feel disgusting.

"I'm going to my room." I stood up.

"Is there anything you want?" He grabbed my hand.

"I want to go back home." I said with a serious face. I don't like Inglewood. I hate this town!

"I miss my friends, my school, my house, my mom. I miss Brooklyn!" I let a few tears roll.

"I promise you I'm gone make it right for you." Percy promised.

"He raped me then had the nerve to tell me to come to his room everyday after school!" I yelled.

"You ain't going to school without me. Now let's see him fuck with you while I'm there." Percy frowned.





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