Chapter 14

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Jade POV

My eyes opened and I saw this gorgeous face. Her hazel eyes stared at me. The curve in her smile showed the dimples on each cheek. Her bangs hung low in her eyes.

"Mama?" I mumbled. She laughed that familiar laugh.

"Hey baby." She pushed some loose hairs out my face. Her touch felt oh so real.

"Am I dead?" I asked.

"Yea. But you can't stay here." She said.

"So you telling me I'm going to hell?!" I panicked. She just laughed.

"You still overreact. No you got to go back home. It's not your time. Me and grandma will still be waiting for you." She assured me.

"Mama life is hard without you." I cried. She ran her thumb along my cheek.

"Percy needs you. Your friends need you." She smiled. My friends!

"Omg are they okay!" I panicked. Before i knew it I woke up in a white room. Machines were beeping and I had them hooked all up to me. I saw Percy standing at the wide window staring out. He had this sad look on his face.

"Percy." I groaned in pain. He turned around quickly.

"The fuck was you thinking?!" He cried.


"You could have killed yourself!" He cut me off.

"Are my friends okay?" I asked. He hung his head low. God no! Please tell me they're okay.

"The man in the eighteen wheeler called a police and ambulance for y'all. He also had to call the coroner." He mumbled the last part.

"Please don't tell me one of them is dead!" I cried hysterically.

"I'm sorry Jade but they couldn't get a pulse from Killa nor Moe. Dana is in surgery right now. She was beaten up badly. They say she may even be paralyzed after this." He said. I couldn't even speak. I'm the reason my friends are dead and the other one is so close to it. And I'm sitting up here with cuts and a headache. I can't even live with myself!


It's very short but it's just something to give you a taste of everything that's about to go down!

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