Chapter 4

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Jade POV

The ride home was sort of quiet. Percy seemed a little tense.

"So how was work?" I asked as we entered the house.

"Straight." He answered bluntly.

"Anything special happened?" I pressured the issue on.

"Naw." He jogged upstairs. I heard his door close a few seconds later. I wonder what his problem is. I went outside and stood on the porch. This October breeze is a bitch. I should have worn a jacket today. I went back in the house and up the stairs. I put on my Aéropostale jacket and grabbed my basketball.

"Percy, I'm going down to the court." I called. I got no response. Bump that. Whatever got his period on I hope it have it off by time I come back home. I exited the house and down the street. I dribbled the ball by my side. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I quickly pulled it out hoping it was Drew but it wasn't. It was only Dana.

"Hey baby girl." I answered the phone.

"I miss you Jade." She cooed into the phone.

"I heard you got your ass bust by Killa." I tried not to laugh.

"I bet Moe ratchet ass told you that." She smacked her lips.

"You already know it." I laughed.

"Yea he said I was being fast so he had to teach me a lesson." She laughed.

"You know Killa think he our daddy." I said.

"Always. So when you coming back?" She asked.

"I don't know. We really ain't talked about that." I answered. There was a long silence.

"Met any new friends?" She asked in almost a whisper. Typical jealous Dana. I smirked.

"Nope not at all." I lied. I decided not to tell her that just in case it hurts her feelings. Dana is real sensitive.

"Better not or me, Moe, and Killa gone have to make a trip to Inglewood!" She said playfully getting hype. I laughed.

"Well bye chicken head. I will talk to you later." She said.

"Bye." I said before hanging up. I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't notice I was at the court.

"Hey mommy." Those same crew of crips that I ran across the other day called. Damn where Drew at when you need him.

"Are y'all using this court?" I asked with a tremble in my voice.

"Nope you can use it." One of the boys said. I'm too scared to even play now. They all stared at me lustfully.

"Naw I'm straight. I'll come back another time." I walked backwards but bumped into something hard. I turned and saw Drew and Shampoo.

"We got a problem?" Drew called at them.

"Move around then." Shampoo grouched.

"I don't want to play no more." I whispered in Drew's ear. He grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me back to the court.

"This nigga get a piece of pussy and act like captain save a hoe." One of the niggas in blue said.

"Shut yo punk ass up and respect a real female." Shampoo snapped.

"Ouch you're hurting me Drew." I cringed a little.

"How about we clear this bitch out." Drew said pulling a gun out on the boys. They backed away slowly.

"This ain't the last time we gone meet princess." The boys told me. Fuck what they talking about my damn wrist hurting. Drew let me go. I held my bruised wrist. I could never go home with this on me. Percy would freak.

"I just want to go home." I got kind of annoyed. Shampoo and Drew looked down at me.

"Why do you bruise so easily?" Drew asked looking at my wrist.

"You was holding me too tight!" I snapped. He frowned but his face instantly softened.

"Lets bounce Drew." Shampoo said looking down in his phone. Drew just kept his eyes on me.

"How about you just hit me up every time you want to go to the court?" Drew suggested.

"I don't have your number." I shrugged. He pulled out his phone and gave it to me.

"Put it in there." He ordered. I did as he told and handed it back to him. We stood in an awkward silence. I turned to walk off but he pulled me by the waist and turned me back around. I got too nervous to even look in his face so I looked down. But he placed his hand under my chin and lifted my head up.

"Mane come on! We got to go!" Shampoo whined.

"Nigga hold up! Can't you see I'm doing something?!" Drew snapped. I blushed at how badly he wanted to stay longer with me.

"So you gone call me tonight?" His voice softened as he talked to me. His face was so close to mine that it sent chills down my neck.

"If I am not busy. You know I have to clean up a little. Plus Percy might need me to-" He cut me off.

"Percy." Was all he said.

"Yea. That's my step daddy." I slightly frowned.

"He in the game." Drew said as if he just solved a puzzle on a game show. Shampoo's eyes got big.

"Damn that Percy is your step dad?!" He was so amazed.

"What the hell is a game?" I was beyond confused.

"The drug game baby girl. And you the drug princess." Drew nodded. My ears started ringing after I took in the information.

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