Chapter 2

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Jade POV

The day went smooth. I had a couple of classes with Shampoo and Drew. Now it's time for lunch. I got out of my desk and strutted towards the cafeteria.

"Hey you." I heard a girl voice call. I didn't think she was talking to me so i never turned around.

"Hey light skinned!" They called. The voice sounded closer. I turned around and saw Luny walking up to me.

"Sup." I said.

"Wanna eat with me and my team today?" She asked. I ain't got nobody else to eat with. I might as well say yes.

"Yea that's straight." I smiled.

"Cool! Lets go." She locked arms with me as we walked into the cafeteria.

"So what table do y'all usually sit at?" I asked looking around. I saw a table for the nerds, cheerleaders, pretty boys, football players, and just regular kids.

"The corner over there." She pointed at a corner table to the left. I stared at Luny. She is actually a beautiful girl. She had long jet black hair pinned up with her neat make up. Her crop top hugged her breast perfectly, and her mini skirt sat snugging on her hips. I think she wore the tallest heels in her closet.

"So are you and your friends like the popular girls at the school?" I asked. She laughed a little.

"We are beyond popular sweetheart. We run the southend." She laughed.

"Oh....nice." I said. I thought Shampoo, Drew, and the others ran these streets. Not a couple of girls. We soon sat down with two girls. One had red hair. She looked to be mixed maybe. Her eyes looked green. She stood about 5'5 with a coke bottle. The other girl had long gold hair. I could look at her and tell she was black. The first thing I noticed was the braces in her mouth. They were sort of cute. Her eyes were brown like the tube top she wore. These girls were beautiful and I'm.....not.

"Hey Luny." The red head one said staring at me.

"Who is this?" She added.

"I'm Jade." I answered before Luny could say anything.

"Cute name for a cute girl." The black girl said. She didn't have to lie about me being beautiful.

"I am Mariah." The red head smiled revealing her beautiful white teeth. I returned the smile. I noticed she had dimples also. The two girls were beautiful but Luny was way prettier. Why am I even at this table. I don't fit in!

"Nice to meet you Mariah." I smiled.

"I'm Nicole." The black girl smiled. I nodded.

"She is so pretty." Mariah laughed.

"Yea that's why she should hang with us." Luny nodded.

"She looks young." Nicole added.

"I'm 16." I announced.

"Wow you are young." Nicole frowned.

"Shut up Nic you young too." Mariah laughed. Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Yo Jade!" I turned and saw Shampoo yelling my name across the cafeteria. I saw him and Drew and a couple of boys cooling it in the corner.

"You fuck with them tough don't it." Luny mumbled.

"Something like that." I got up and walked over to them.

"Girl why you fucking with them thots?" Drew asked.

"They cool." I tried to defend them.

"Yea they gone get your ass in a world of trouble too." Shampoo laughed.

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