I wasn't going to say no or yes. Because this can go into two different scenarios.

If I say yes they'll probably be all over me and won't leave me alone. But if I say no they most definitely won't leave me alone...

But the smell they were giving off was intoxicating, and it made me almost feel like I was on a drug. And I've never had drugs.

Almost like the drug the doctors give you when you are going to have a tooth pulled out...what was it...

"Please...please leave me be... I just want to start fresh..." I could feel my legs becoming shaky, resulting in me having to grab the edge of the desk for support.

"'Start fresh' from what?" I hear them ask, and everything becomes foggy as the last thing I see is the ceiling.


My eyes flutter open, and I see that I'm obviously in a place that I shouldn't be.

I blink, hoping the ceiling will change back to the white ceiling in the classroom I was in. But it stays-.

"Ms. Peyton you've finally awoken."

"I thought she was dead."

"Me too." I hear the twins voices, making me remember I passed out in the classroom because the air was so heavy. The aroma was like a drug and I could barely keep myself together, resulting in me being tired.

I sit up, seeing that I'm in the nurses office, the blinds that are open indicating that it's around sundown.

Alex will question my motives. I was usually late like this when I was with the other guy... I reach for my necklace, feeling it be bare.

"Where is it?"

"Where's what?" Sawyer cocks his head like a dog, one eyebrow raising.

Reed smirks, and when he adjusts his hoodie I see my necklace around his neck.

"Reed please, why do you have my necklace. That's my property."

"That makes no sense." Reed said, making me sigh in frustration. I forgot who I'm talking to, to a bunch of ignorant high schoolers.

"What's so important about this thing? It'd be rude if we opened it, so we didn't. But what's so important about that locket that had you holding it like it was...what's the word Sawyer?"

Sawyer dug in his pocket, and I looked, seeing that he had my phone.


"Like a life source." He jumped off the bed when he saw me lunge for it.

"Please, I need to get home. This is my first day at this school and you both are doing this. I'm your teacher."

"Okay...? And I'm a twin. Tell us something we don't know." His voice sounded like he was mocking me...is he?

"Ugh," I got up from the bed, stretching my tired limbs," Don't mock me."

"No ones mocking you, the only one mocking you...is yourself..."

Reed had his nose scrunched up like he smelled something bad, shoving Sawyers shoulder.

My Alpha Twin Students Are My Mates [ BOOK I & II ]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα