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She didn't like it one bit. Being "Sold".
She wasn't an object she was a person. "Sold, what about my sister and mother and brother? They won't stand for it!" Arya shouted towards the Queen Regent.

Not caring in the least if she was being disrespectful, courtesy went out the door as soon as the word, 'sold' was mentioned.

"Sir Marron." She watched as a Kingsguard stepped forward and yanked her away from the throne room. "You will never get away with this! My brother will find me and when he does he'll take the throne from you!" Arya yelled, she watched as the Queen Regent slumped back into the Iron throne, one day she thought when the doors to the throne room closed, one day she would see Cersei die at her own hands for what was done to her father and family.

Sir Marron had thrown her into a chamber. The sun was out leaking through the archway of the chamber, at least it wasn't one of the black cells her father had been in. Arya didn't know if she would survive down in the black dungeons where fear and death lingered. She wanted her family back, she had never been the one to act as a lady - always fighting with her sister against what was 'proper' and what was not - she skipped her lessons in exchange for running and freedom and sword fighting beside her brothers. Now she could only think about turning back time and being the 'Arya' her family could be proud of. Her Needle had been taken away and she didn't know where it was being kept, it was the last thing she had of her family or more over the last thing she had of her brother, Jon.

Sorrow-filled thoughts wouldn't help her now. She needed to think of the future in the next coming days and thought what was going to happen to her was to her advantage. With names on her lips to kill, she slept fitfully.

Arya had yanked awake - her eyesight still blurry from tiredness. So it was a bit hard to see or comprehend what was happening. She was still in her garments from the day before so she knew she smelled, but that was beside the point. She followed to the best of her ability wiping the sleep out from her eyes with the side of her free hand. "As you ordered, my Queen." She later found out that the man of the name Sandor Clegane had woke her up and yanked her all the way to the throne room. He could of at least been a bit gentler - knowing she would bruise, but she wasn't the one to care about vanity that much. "Little Arya, i'm pleased to tell you that your ship is ready."

Arya's only response was a drop of spit that she spat at the dais of the throne.

"Yes, i believe this was the right course of action. A wild animal fit for a horrid horse Lord. " There were no goodbyes from the Queen Regent - there were no last goodbyes from her sister she so wished to talk to once more. Knowing how Joffrey was and how he would be treating her and she needed her.

Although she was quite surprised when the Imp - Tyrion Lannister - came walking down the concrete path towards the ship she had been unceremoniously dumped on. For being a Highborn Lady she sure wasn't being treated like one. "My Lady, Stark. I am so sorry for what my sister has done. And wish I could have saved your father. Lord Eddard Stark was a fine man."

"Please spare me and get to the point. Why are you here?" Tyrion looked at her in hope, "It took me some hours but I found where my sister had kept these. Podric!"

A squire came from behind the Imp - Arya watched as the squire delivered two long cases - one of them was small and the other was a rather long one.

"I may hope that these will help you in your journey."

She took them from Tyrion - opening the smaller one first and her heart skipped. It was her Needle. Unblinkingly, she opened the larger one and tears reigned down from her eyelids - ICE - her father's sword.

"Thank you, my Lord." she said under her breath as she felt the ship taking off.

The Stark Khalessi (Arya/Drogo) (Game of Thrones)  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang