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A/N: Hey everyone I'm so sorry about not updating for awhile. I now work full time and that means there's less hours in the days to write and when I get home now all I want to do is sleep my day away.

But onto more exciting news is anyone excited for the Season 7 finale on Sunday? I'm so ready for the showdown between Jon/Daenearys/and Cersei!!!!! Well back to the story I really do hope you all enjoy. Don't forget to comment, thank you!!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones. All rights go to George R. R. Martin. In no way am I profiting off of any of this!!! I'm just borrowing the characters.

SMUT WARNING - hey I warned you!

She didn't know if this was her punishment or not for speaking and making plans with the exiled dragon prince.

She felt him bite her lower lip, "Tih little lajak." (My little warrior) he said in a deep husky voice that made her eyes close shut in response to his hot breath along her neck.

He thrusted deep inside her and she had let out a deep groan thankful her husband's blood riders were out of the tent. Not needing an audience for her 'punishment' but she knew she couldn't let him take control.

So with all her strength she pulled the Khal to the ground leaving her to be in an on-top position.

Now she wasn't very experienced in the act of "sex" yet, but she was learning. As she set the pace riding against his thick mound of flesh. But it appears Drogo had other ideas and took control once again. Flipping her the other way onto her stomach as he thrusted hard inside her, filling her completely. Making Arya to set her hands on the dirt ground to regain her balance.

"Yeri mean the rhaesheser to anna, tih shekh ma jalan." (You mean the world to me, my sun and moon).

She didn't know what he was saying, but the way he had said it and the truthful tone she couldn't help look back with a lust filled moan. She was getting quite forward a little more as she thrusted into him earning her a moan from his lips and hot breath along her neck, once again. Then she felt his hands trailing down and rubbing her hard until she climaxed against him.

She had sagged against the ground in a sexual high knowing if she tried to get up her bones would shatter. She felt his arms close around her body carrying her to the place he had vacated before there little sexual frustration act.

"I'm sorry. "

He heard from under her bruised lips. He met her lips in a searing kiss hearing a moan from her gave him more reason to pray to the gods about sending her to him. He didn't care in the least, how she had come across the poison sea. She was his. And he was hers. Nothing else mattered. Not even how she had went against him. Nothing could deter him away from the little warrior. Although he had made it abundantly clear that if she did this again that the 'punishment' would be longer and torturous; which for all he could think wasn't a threat and knew his little warrior would do it again.

He was soon beside her as he watched grey eyes close and turn to the land of dreams for the night.

Minutes passed before he heard several rough taps on the cloth signaling to him that one of his Dothraki had urgent news that couldn't wait for the first sign of light. He lifted his Khalessi and laid her comfortably on thick cloths that would keep her warm till the light of morning.
And left her to her dreams.

A shout woke her up. Eyes wide and alert. She finds herself alone in the tent. She stands up grabbing her pointy end and pulling her needle out from its sheath. Prepared for battle, exiting the tent many of her people moved out of the way and the yells continued. She looked from each direction - no enemies could be seen. War wasn't on there land so she was rather confused.

The confusion she had moments ago still lingered when her grey eyes landed on one of her people and her horse lord. Her husband who she had lain with the night before held a whip within his hand - the hand that gave her such wanton pleasure. She lowers her Needle to the side - pointy end facing the hot sand beneath her feet.

She witnessed the beating. Her eyes were no stranger to the acts of pain. A flash of her father's face went through her head - the scene where his head had been chopped off before the people of King'sLanding. She didn't move - it was like that fear had grabbed ahold of her once again.

"Yer swine, yer fichat dishonor upon jin khallasar ki great grass havazh!" (You Swine, you bring dishonor to this Khallasar of the Great Grass Sea). Khal Drogo shouted, which brought forth all sorts of crude responses from the surrounding Dothrakis.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked back and squared her eyes at the Targaryen Prince. She moved her eyes from her shoulder on which his hand had landed and back to his own eyes - as if Viserys knew he lifted his hold from her shoulder.

Arya refocused her attention to the scene in-front of her leaving Viserys for a later conversation. She didn't get the situation that was going on.

But she spotted Irrei a couple paces to the right of her and quickly moved within the crowd to stand beside her. "What is he saying?" The young Khalessi asked and Irrei wasn't even surprised to see her.

"Ryokan was a traitor. He betrayed information to another Khal. The laws of the Dothraki say a betrayer is to be lashed and then executed in-front of the whole of the Khallasar. "Irrei finished. 

Arya could only steel herself. She hadn't made it this far by cowering and making herself open.

Ryokan looked at her his eyes pleading to his Khalessi but Arya could only think of was what kind of Dothraki would ever betray their Khal?

It seemed to Arya that the Dothraki worshipped and had a great deal of respect of the Khal of there Khallasar. Nothing made sense. As the lashes finished she couldn't look away as flames were brought forth. She watched as the flames consumed Ryokan's body.

She saw in the corner of her eye the exiled dragon prince. He wasn't watching Ryokan burn his eyes were solely on her.

The Stark Khalessi (Arya/Drogo) (Game of Thrones)  Where stories live. Discover now