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Author's Note: sorry about the late update!! I'm on vacation and I've just recently sprained my ankle so with that I haven't had that much inspiration on writing. But I powered through this since I wanted to bring you all an update. Hopefully it's good and if you all see any grammatical errors please let me know in a comment!!! Hope you all enjoy and comment and vote!!!

Thanks, Woolley119!!

Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones. All rights go to George R. R. Martin. I'm just borrowing the characters!!

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The sound of her heartbeat increased when she remembered everything.

Everything down to the low bodily groans to her sheer shouts laced with her wanton pleasure.

Her insides went to mush and her legs gave out (even if she wasn't standing at this precise moment and laying around on a thick mount of fabrics). She felt her legs grow weak with the memory of her legs around her Horse Lord's waist as he continued to thrust into her.

She was spent that much was obvious, after all she could barely manage to keep both eyes open.

The last thing she saw before giving in to the blissful state of sleep was the sight of her Dothraki Khal walking over to her. She knew she should of stayed awake or said at least something, but she couldn't.

And if Morpheus took her she wouldn't have felt his strong arms wrap around her wrist soothing her with foreign words that drifted her off to sleep.

The next time she opened her eyes she knew someone was beside her. Standing, calculating, and waiting for her to come to. Grey eyes flutter open and blink still blurry from sleep. Yet she cocks her head to the right and instantly recognizes the translator she had met the night before.

She had become friends with this sun-kissed girl. Irrei had been nice and friendly and she had needed that since she had stepped off the boat that was sent from Kings Landing.

"Irrei?" Arya says like a question - wondering what Irrei wanted this early in the morning. "It is time to make feast, Khalessi." She didn't make mention of her new title - somewhat favoring it over the whole 'Lady' title.

"Do the women usually prepare the meals?" Arya asks generally curious about what she had to do, now that she was Kahlessi.

She might not have wanted to do it back when she had been in Winterfell. Rather she would skim over the snow-covered trees and chase the messaging ravens as if she were playing a spy from Dorne or the Free Cities of Braavos in one of her brother's stories.

Yet, when she looked around her surroundings suddenly she realized that this wasn't exactly her childhood; nor her home and she didn't want them to see that she was ungrateful for everything the Dothraki had done for her even if she was just starting to learn and appreciate them.

Irrei led her to a smaller tent smaller then her and her Khal had shared the night before. She watches as Irrei opens the flap and follows her to see many types of women and even children. She had t glimpsed even a child when her wedding ceremony had been in action.

Arya was very surprised that there were children. Knowing what kind of things the Dothraki were into. One child had a bowl of water in her lap as another women handed her food to clean. "It is the job of the women of the Khallasar to bring feast for their husbands and the men of the Dothraki. " Irrei finishes, but adds, "Although the Khalessi's job is to overlook the proceeding and to chose one to taste the food before it is given to the Khalessi's Khal."

Basically, Arya rationalized, is she had to pick one women or even child to test the food for poison but what she didn't understand is if Khal Drogo was the Khal - the leader of this Khallasar, then why would anyone dare risk poisoning him? Was it a change of power or something more? She would continue to think about it during her new life as a Khalessi.

Although she would need to make mention of traveling to Westeros and taking the name to the grave from the top of her list.

Cersei Lannister was going to die by her hand and her hand alone. "I need a moment. "

Arya leaves the tent hearing Irrei following her - she held a hand out to her signaling she wasn't needed and could go back to her duties or whatever Irrei needed to do. She watched as Irrei turned the other way with no questions asked. She was thankful she was Khalessi.

She takes a walk - her thoughts all over the place. Thoughts of sadness, loss, vengeance, acceptance, and confusion. Everything she thought she had believed about this culture was quickly being changed.

Arya was walking along a side of tent when she heard a common speaker - "I am the rightful King to the Seven Kingdoms. I hope that you may find my sister a good enough wife. "

Arya dug her fingers inside of her hand. She was jealous, she realized. How dare this man propose such an idea, she questioned internally. With a fiery rage she pulled back the cloth to the tent and presented herself.

"I am Arya of House Stark. And I am the Khalessi of this Khallasar." She saw Drogo move making room for his Khalessi to sit at his side. He showed some confusion but hid it well. She knew Drogo would be angered by her talking for his Khallasar she was new and she understood that it would take a considerate amount of time to gain the trust of each Dothraki male and female.

She eyed the thin male - hair as white as fresh fallen snow - eyes of the purest blue and purple - as if his eyes were a solid lavender. He wore very familiar cloth as she had stayed at the master of the capital as well. She could recognize the style and it did fit him well. He had caught her staring and she once again slapped herself inside her head refocusing her attention on the subject at hand.

She prayed to any old and new gods above that she held strong and true. "I've always been fascinated by the stories and tales of Visenya Targaryen and the first Targaryens. However, what I've heard so far of the Beggar King - I do not like you, Viserys Targaryen. "

Arya chides in first she saw him shaking in anger or embarrassment, it was hard to say for sure. She stood from her place beside her Khal - glancing her eyes to the Dothraki males that kept guard at the sides of the opening of the tent.

With a plan set in her mind she started to play her own game of thrones.

The Stark Khalessi (Arya/Drogo) (Game of Thrones)  Where stories live. Discover now