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"Aaaaaaa....." Screamed Sunny.

"Shut Up, don't disturb the silence, the best scence is coming!" said Minnie covering Sunny's mouth with her hand.

"OMG! I love this scence." I said halfway shutting my eyes.

"Pass me the popcorn Tia, I'm getting excited!!!!" said Minnie grinning.

"Oh no , it's here, it's here!" said Sunny stuffing her face into the pillow.

 "Aaaahhh! Damn! This part gets me every time." cried Minnie.

"Bloody Awesome!" I said filling my mouth with popcorn.

Oh ya, that's me, Minnie and Sunny watching a horror movie. at my house for a sleepover. I SO MUCH LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Although Sunny refused to watch a horror movie, but I ain't listening.

Actually, Minnie and I decided for a group study for our upcoming exams, and Sunny joined, although Sunny's subjects are way different than ours, lol! The boys wanted to join too, but sometimes its good being all girly with your besties right? It's been three months of school already and I'm having my best time, but not exactly at the current moment because we have our exams approaching and are now wasting our time in movies! well...... group studies have always proved to be a failure for me, like this time, we decided to study for a continuous three hours, but ended up studying for one hour and the next two hours were spent chatting, listening to new music and painting our nails. And now after a stomach full of pasta we are in my bed with ghosts and popcorn. Great going girls!!!

"Oh god, I'm gonna have nightmares for the next week! And you two were so wildly enjoying it. crazy people!" sunny said.

"You don't yet know how to enjoy such horrors! I loved it!" I said brushing my teeth.

"Ya right! OMG the way you were screaming was hilarious Sunny." stated Minnie.

"Ya.... Aaaaaa!!!! Owwwww!!!" I mimicked and we laughed.

"Oh shut up you two!" said Sunny hitting our butts.

we washed our faces, dressed into our PJ's and arranged the bed.

"I'm gonna sleep in the centre, I don't want a ghost to attack me. I'll feel secure if you guys are beside me." said sunny 

"ya, so that the ghost picks us up before it comes to you right?" I added sarcastically.

"Yea, I'm a bitch!" replied sunny

"That's known to us, you needn't mention." Said Minnie.

We're the best sarcastic pals here! That's BFF goals right?

We all sit up in the bed with our feet cuddled up in the blanket ready to chat. Shameless girls, This was supposed to be study time.

"How's Rohan?" asked Minnie.

"As monstrous as ever!" I answer, " but I do miss him a lot." 

"Ya, you don't understand  the value of a person until they leave you." said Sunny dramatically.

"someone being too diplomatic. You can be a great philosopher Sunny." I added.

"Na I'll prefer being a writer, writing about teen fic stuff, love stories....." says Sunny with a smirk.

"Ya you can totally do that." Said Minnie.

"You guys can help me with it!" Sunny said cheering up.

"Oh, like our love live's are so happening!" I said as I laughed pointing at us single bitches!

"Mine, is really boring. Tia's is an interesting one!" scoffed Minnie.

"What rubbish!" I said.

"Oh, c'mon, we all know yours is a really thrilling one." 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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