45 11 2

It's the fourth period of the day and we are all longing for the recess bell to ring. I'm all cooked up reading Shakespeare! Ya, it's our literature class. I wonder how pleasing our textbooks used to be when we were toddlers, those beautiful picture stories, all those easy-peasy questions, rhyming poems and everything changes as you grow up, no more colourful books, all those huge chapters, advanced language (which I mind you is quite difficult at times), all these never ending Shakespeare dramas, and seriously lets not talk about rhyming of a poem in class eleventh!

Soon the bell rings stating the end of this period and its the recess now, the teacher leaves. Some random classmates come up to me saying 'hello' and introducing themselves, some gus even ended up saying that I'm 'cute', oh well, that I am though! I really like my class, people are friendly and I'm not even nervous now.

"Come on let's go out, get some fresh air," said Minnie, pulling up her jeans and stretching her arms like her body needs a massage.

"Ya let's go catch up with Sunny and others." I say, getting up, trying to dust off my pants.


"You gotta try the canteen noodles girl!" said Sunny ordering three plates for the three of us.

"Tiaaa.... " called out Abhi, running up to me with Ishaan and Sohel.

"Ah, found ya guys, so how was it Tia ?" asked Abhi and sohel, while Ishaan ordered food for them.

"I think it was good, only our history teacher was a difficult part to impress." I say.

We all walk to a table in the canteen and sit eating our noodles and talking.

"Oh well, Tia, I was telling you about what Anshul did to me right ?" said Minnie recalling.

"Oh ya! Tell me."

" Why are you guys talking about that douche?" asked a voice from behind me. Oh, that's Aryan. He joins us at the table.

"See I told ya, everybody knows he's a douche!" said Minnie.

"And why are your white pants so dirty Tia ?" asked Aryan.

"Ughhh... Don't ask" I said, irritated.

"I'll tell you ,.......... " Minnie explained what all happened.

"Are you hurt? Tell me, I'll go punch that guy hard and wax off his effing moustache!" said Sunny adopting her protective mother nature.

"Nah, i'm alright, just my pants.........."

"Oh don't worry Tia, tie my jacket over your waist, it won't be so visible then." said Aryan , giving me his shirt jacket. he's just so sweet.

I tie that checkered jacket over my waist, now that looks funky and cool! And we all resume our talks.

"Pssstt...... guys, look who's coming." said Abhi pointing blindly to a girl who is walking to our direction.

"I think you should leave, Aryan!" warned Sohel.

"Uh Oh, I gotta go , will catch up with up guys later ....... bye" says Aryan and rushes off with his plate. I looked back to see who that girl is.

"Don't make eye contact, just ignore and act normal !" says Minnie, and we all do as she commands, striking the most unnatural pose ever. I still wonder what's going on???? Someone tell me ! 

"Hey guys ........... well you know that I'm quite busy to talk to you , but........ I heard of the new girly at TFS ........ Oh so you are the chic I heard people talk about." said 'she' in an annoyingly girly tone, pointing at me.  

"Ya, hi I'm Tia" I say.

"Ummm .... Tia ... I'm Feona, the most popular girl here." said she in her annoying accent.

"Said who?" murmured Sunny under her breath. ( I tell you, this girl needs to learn to whisper)

"I heard that Suhani! What's your problem ?" she said narrowing her eyes at Sunny.

"Firstly, it's good that you heard me Feona and second, 'YOU' are 'the problem'. So can you please leave us here and not get your shitty mouth into our conversation!" Sunny replied, Oh BAMMMM , there she goes!

"I'm not here to talk to you ...." she gets cut off, 

"Oh that's good, coz we don't wanna talk to you either" says Sohel. 

"Now would yo please do the honour of shifting your ass outta here!" Says Ishaan. (God! what's happening???) 

"Huh .... I'll talk to you later Lia" she says, her voice stating her defeat.

"Ummm ... Acually it's TIA" said Minnie, adding the cherry on top of that nasty little fight.

And she walks off from our table, swinging her ass and noisily clicking her heels on the floor in anger!


Hi there friends! 

Long time , well..... Wish you all a very Happy Diwali!

Well I'm a little late to update this chapter! Sorry :-(

So there's a bitch in the story! ..... Nasty Feona ..... Get to know more about her in the next chapters! 

So keep reading. And if you liked this chapter , then vote and comment! Any details, mistakes or suggestions , let me know! 

Thank you so much for your support guys! I love you all 



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