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"What the hell just happened guys ? Who was she ? Weren't you guys too rude to her ? Or  did she deserve that ?" I flushed out the bunch of questions that had been pondering me.

"She is Feona D'souza, the worst girl of our school" said Ishaan.

"Ya, she thinks herself to be the superior hot body model type, but the true fact is, she is hated by the whole school. She goes around flaunting her rich background, like who does that? She is a real bitch!" said Sohel. (Well, did I mention that Sohel & Sunny have the same habit of over-excitement and over exaggeration!)

"She's like the 'Madison Morgan' of our school" said Minnie, (Character reference from the movie 'the DUFF')

"Ya, or like 'Regina George' of TFS, totally passive aggressive kind of a 'Mean Girl' " continued Sunny.

"Oh well, those references were enough to teach me of her character." I said, looking bewildered. " The way you guys pissed her off was amazing."

"Tia, you need to be very careful, be away from Feona, she's not who she shows herself  to be, she may appear to be pretty and sweet, but from inside she's a witch! Try to ignore her anytime she talks to you." warns Abhi.

"Okay, I get that, but weren't we just too rude?" I said, feeling somewhat regretful.

"No, not at all, that's the only way to get rid of her" said Ishaan widening his eyes at me.

Till the end of the school, I meet up all my teachers and many classmates, TFS is really great. I'm gonna enjoy here!

We six walk back home, Aryan had to stay for his extra practice which he missed in the morning. 

I get back home, quite exhausted. And I narrate what all happened at school today to mom and Rohan how was my speech, how were the teachers, and how my pants got dirty.

I'm so tired, don't feel like changing my clothes too. What I need now is some rest and good music to cheer me up and some fresh air. What about going to the garden!


Aryans Pov 

I ring the doorbell and oh, that's Rohan, Tia's brother.

"Hey buddy wassup?" asked Rohan as we both give a high five. Rohan and I became great buddies, he's an amazing person, aslike his sister.

"Tia told me that you'll be leaving soon."

"Ya, just two more days, then I gotta go back to college!" replied Rohan.

"Hmmm .... Well ... Where's Tia?" I asked.

"Mooommm..... Where's Tia ?" shouted Rohan.

"Oh hi Aryan dear, Tia walkes out with her iPod and said she's going to the garden," said aunty coming to the door.

"Oh... Thanks .... Bye...... Will talk to you later Rohan." I say as I run off, for  the garden. I'd been looking for her in the school after the recess, as that bitchy Feona got her nose into my business and I'd to leave.

Where is she? I can see her nowhere, aunty said she's in the garden but she's not ........... oh wait ..... I get it where she would be........ Under the tree!

Ya I was right, there she is.

"Hey, I knew you would be here, with my old buddy" I said pulling out an earphone from her ear, somewhat terrifying her.

"Oh! ... Aryan, you scared the shit out of me" she replied, as I sat down beside her putting that one earphone on, discovering coldplay.

"Ya, thanks for sharing this great tree of yours, just so relaxing." she added.

"I know right? Well, that's my pleasure Tia, but are you okay, because you'd said that you would like this tree as a partner for moments when you are down." I asked, looking over her mesmerising jet black eyes.

"Oh, I'm totally fine, just wanted to pass some time (hey, that rhymed!) , so came here with my music. And, you really remember what I said? Like mostly boys don't, you're so pleasingly different." she said smiling and complimenting me.

"Well ya, that I am!" I said. You don't know Tia, I have every piece of your words safe within, I just can't resist the pleasure I fell with you.


Hey! How're you all, I'm as amazing as ever, just overburdened with school work! 

Soon we'll have our exams, but before that ........... . . . We have our 'Camp' coming soon !!!!!!!!

Can't stop daydreaming about it!! Looking forward to have fun with all my pals and creating best memories!!! Countdown starts..... 

So , do tell me how you like the story , because I need a little motivation to continue, as I get your views, I'll be better !!!!!! 

And thanks , 

Do vote and comment guys, love ya!




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