Chapter 6

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Today morning I and dad went for a walk he showed me the places where I will have to go often like the nearest grocery, a stationery shop, the society Garden and a cycle repair shop as I will mostly use of cycle for near transport. While our way back home dad showed me the society library, I insisted to go in as I wanted to check out the books, the library wasn't there when I was a kid. The library isn't too fascinating, they have books mainly related to business, a section of Biography and autobiography (which I am not quite interested in), magazines and a section of children story books and comics and only a few collection of my interest. I searched out and I am glad to find 'Catching fire' it is the second book of the Hunger Games series and I really wanted it as I have recently completed the first book and it was amazing. I issued the book from the library. I and dad walked back home with a book and an ice cream tub.

I spend half the day unpacking my things and arranging my room, I took the room which used to belong to my parents earlier as I really like the wall colours of it dreamy sky blue. There are two more rooms one for my brother and another for mom and dad. My brothers room is going to be unoccupied as he is in Chennai for his studies, so we are keeping the computer in his room.

My room is done with arranging and it looks perfect for me, mom and dad appreciated my work, dad was home as he had to help with unpacking things.
I spend rest of the time till lunch reading Catching Fire. What an interesting book, I couldn't stop reading it. Till noon I read the first part of the book and I will start the next part in the evening.


Hello there readers!
Let me know what you think about the story till now.
And yes! I'm a hunger games fan. Are you one ?

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Life goes on for Tia Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora