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Wiping his hands, he turned to me looking serious.

"So you had any boyfriends ?" he asks staring at me.

"No....." I laugh away.

"That wasn't a joke! Like seriously YOU didn't have any boyfriend" he asks again this time being cheerful.

I simply answer with a nod.

"Okay! What about 'crushes'?" he asks looking really interested to know.

(this type of talks with a boy would have really made me uncomfortable, but it didn't feel at all weird, ...... okay now that's weird!)

"Ya I did have them, but time passed and things changed." I said in a tone, stating that I am not willing to talk about 'CRUSHES'.

"What about you?" I said giving a same expression as he did.

He began-" I had a crush on a girl two years ago, and I actually took up courage to ask her out, .uck was mine, we had a good time together, but later on I came to know she had 'brain cancer'. The next year was a little devastating for us, she couldn't control her thoughts and actions, she often teased me, fought with me and the next moment she used to say she loved me. Things were difficult and so was her condition. Her health ruined and lastly there was a sad end."

He ended his talk with a dramatic face.

"Oh! Then she must be Caroline Mathers  from -'The Fault In Our Stars' .......... Right?" I asked as I could make out from his expressions that he was trying to trick me.

"HOLY CRAP!!!  You're a smartass !!!" he said accepting his defeat as he saw me burst out laughing.

"Great book! Wasn't it Mr. Waters !" I commented as we both laughed off.

"Hey I gotta go .... Are you free tomorrow ?" he asked.

"Yes! Why?" I asked.

"Uncle said you draw fantastic, I wanna see some of your works." he said as he walked towards the door and I followed.

"Oh ya sure, same time tomorrow!" I said with a wide smile at him.

"Okay fine ....... Ya and I'll be waiting for the cake!" he said as he left and waved.


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