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We both walk back home, and after coming home, I finally decide to change and slip into my pj's. I go to the kitchen to grab a bag of chips, and there's Rohan and his friends in the hall playing video games, I seriously don't understand the pleasure of gaming with a bunch of friends, like I myself like playing video games, I and Rohan often play, but when I'm with my friends, we mainly get involved into chatting about random stuff........... Well ...... Leave it, I'll hardly understand how Rohan's brain works, Oh wait, does he even have a brain?

I go back to my room thinking about what Aryan and all others told me about Feona. How could someone be that bitchy? Well, sometimes people don't turn out to be how you thought they were. I have had a lot of experience, but i don't wanna recall all that shit that had once happened to me.

I take out my book and start studying, YES, I said STUDYING, Oh c'mon I'm suposed to be a good student!

........ (next morning)........ 

Did I ever mention that I am a little bad at managing my hair? I can't keep it open for long, and it's really hard to maintain a ponytail when you've got long hair. That's the reason, I end up tying my hair into a bun or a braid. So I just tied up my hair into a messy braid running down till the middle of my back.

Minnie just called to inform that she won't be coming to school today as she has a sore throat. How can she leave me alone on the very second day of school? 

Rohan would drop me to school, as Aryan is not there to accompany, he has his training.

I reach school wondering where's Sunny ? Oh look! Talk of the devil and the devil's here..... There she comes.

"Hey, Minnie is not coming today." she said.

"Ya I know" 

"How can she leave us alone among all these moron?" she said in her dramatic tone.

"Hey JINX! That was the very first thing which came to my mind!" I said and we giggled.

Sunny always has so much to talk about. We both walk through the corridors talking about sneakers and chips and music.

"Well, bye, see ya in the recess!" she said.

"Bye" I say and start moving to my class.

Oh no! Look who's coming, it's Feona, what do I do? Do I run? Oh shit! She saw me and is smiling and waving at me.I give a little smile.

"Hey, new girly ..... what was your name? I just forgot, you know I'm quite busy and rarely remember small things!" she said in her annoying voice.

Oh well! I think it's because you have got a small brain and can hardly manage to remember things BITCH! I wanted to say all this, but I can't.

"Oh hey Feona, it's Tia." I say trying to be polite.

"Oh yes, right Tia!" you know what? I'm a humanities student too, but I'm in another section." she says flipping her hair.

"Oh thank god!" oops, my mouth slips.

"What did you just say?" she narrows her brows at me.

"Oh, nothing. absolutely nothing.......... bye, I'm getting late, gotta run." I say brushing off the conversation and leaving. I need to learn to control my tongue. Phew, that was a near thing though.

I go to the class, and settle down, talking to my classmates.

Suddenly some boy tapped on my shoulder.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" he asked in his gravelly gruff voice. For a second, I was mesmerised by the smell of that manly cologne, and then I quickly slapped myself mentally and answered,


"So can I sit here?" he asked, OMG, now I just realized that his voice is quite like Harry Style's voice. 

"Ya sure"

He pulled down his bag from his broad shoulders, kept it aside and arranged himself on the seat. I was there watching him arrange his books, still into that cologne. Did I not see him yesterday in class? NO! I'm sure I didn't.

"Hey, I'm Kabir, what's your name?" he said turning towards me, in his friendly Harry voice.

"Hi, I'm Tia"

"Tia, nice name huh!" he said smiling.

"Thanks." I greet with a smile.

The bell rings and our history teacher enters. He starts with the attendance and then suddenly calls out, 

"We have another new student with us today, Kabir Malhotra, come here and introduce yourself." our teacher said.

I told ya, I didn't see him yesterday! He stood up and walked towards the front.

"Hello everyone, I'm Kabir Malhotra, I'm here from Delhi and ..... uh ...... nice to meet you guys and I hope I'll have a great time here, thanks!" he ended with a wide smile, and then he walked back and settled beside me.

"Phew, new student introduction speech, something I'm quite bad at!" he said to me.

"Yup, I know right? I just experienced it yesterday." I said grinning.

"Ohhhhh ... you too are a new student?" he asked looking quite surprised

"Yes!" I smiled.

"Whoa... Coincidence, high-five Tia!" he said raising his hand and I give him a five, making a really loud clap sound, and all the class stare at us.

"OOPS!" we both whisper and giggle. ;)


Hey guys!

Though its 23:42 and I know I'm quite late but............. 


And a hearty welcome to raumilthakkar and saumitra301 to WATTPAD !!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot for your support and you two are the funniest, coolest and the weirdest guys I know! 

So, it's almost the end of 2016, it's been an amazing year for me and I hope for you all too. I wish the coming 2017 brings to all of us better times !!!!!

And ya, new character - 'Kabir Malhotra' !! Keep reading you're gonna love this guy!

VOTE, COMMENT and stay tuned! 

Thanks! XOXO 


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