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Hi guys!
This chapter is dedicated to midnight_coffee , Thank you so much dear for helping me with my mistakes and for your support!     

I would like u all to check out amazing work by midnight_coffee - On cruise deck. It's seriously fabulous!!!


My phone's buzzing , but, where is it? I can hear it but its nowhere visible. Where the heck did it  go?????  UGHHHH!!!!!   Okay okay calm down, try to listen from where the sound's coming.... 

.... Ah Gosh! How did it get under the pillow? 

"Hello Abhi!" I said picking up the call.

"You ready?" his excited voice came from the other side, 

"Ya totally, I was just waiting for your call" I replied.

"Oh good! There's a little plan change, we are taking a mini van , we seven can easily accommodate into, rather than taking the bus." he said.

"Oh that's totally cool ! " 

"So , I'll be leaving now, will pick the others, then you two and then finally Sunny." he said.

"I'm waiting" I said and we hung up with excited giggles.

I'm all dressed up with my rugged blue jeans, a red and black checkered shirt and my denim jacket, and my hair tied into a messy bun so that it doesn't bother me much on this summer day, all I have to do is now put on my white sneakers.

I think I should wait outside, Abhi could be here any minute. I came down my room with my picnic bag all ready with sandwiches. 

"Hey you leaving sis?" said Rohan.

"Yep, Abhi is coming to pick us up" I said. ( I've already told Rohan about Aryan and he really wants to meet him, he found him quite cool and friendly. Aryan knows about Rohan too and wants to meet him too.)

"Okay , have fun ......... wait! Don't forget this," he said handing me the sunglasses and a cap.

"Oh ya thanks, well , what will you do at home? .......... Let me guess........ 'video games'?" I said.

"Now that's my sister!" he said winking.

"Goodbye" I said and came out.


Nobody is here till now, even Aryan hasn't yet come out of his house. I really am very punctual when it comes to all these matters of reaching on time. 

I walk to the bench in our yard and sit down. There's nothing to do and even my mobile's deep inside my bag and I'm too lazy to take it out, so I just decide to sit there and observe a leaf which had fallen from the tree and was accompanying me on the bench........... 

"HEY!!!" shouted Aryan, I almost shook up at his voice, as I was so carefully examining the leaf.

He was there looking stunning in black jeans and white T-shirt , and his brown messy hair over his forehead.

"You're quite early ? I thought you would take time to get dressed up and all ?" he said

"Ya, I'm quite early, but it did take me a total of 45min to pick my outfit, dress up and do my hair." I replied with a cheesy smile.

"Hey look, I presume they are coming" he said, pointing to a white van.

and yes, it's them.

"Come on guys" greeted an overjoyed Abhi from the front seat window, sitting beside the driver.

Minnie opened the backdoor for us, and we both got into the van.

"Check out, what's going on here, it's hilarious" she said pointing at Ishaan and Sohel who were chewing on gums and blowing them. It really looked hilarious.

"Hey brother, come join us" said Sohel and Ishaan extended a handful of gums to Aryan. He took them and filled his mouth and the three crazy boys started chewing on them, it looked like some old game of theirs.

They were competing on who blows it the biggest. And no doubt, in a few minutes there was gum stuck all over their faces and they were struggling to get them off, which made me, Abhi and Minnie laugh even harder.

Soon, we were at Sunny's to pick her. We were totally dumbstruck at her arrival! 

She came out looking no less than a fashion model flattering the brand new summer collection, she'd put on a glittery pink tank top with a similar sparkly purple shorts and fancy flip-flops, a bead bracelet and matching necklace, and a silver sequin hand bag. She took off her sunglasses and flipped her open hair with her hands as they do it in commercials. With accordance to her outfit,we looked liked a bunch of retarded fans who are overexcited to meet their superstar friend. And now I have no doubt why people call her "The Fashion Maniac!"

"Sunny! Do you even know where we are going ?" said Minnie sarcastically.

"Ya I do, to the amusement park" she said dumbly.

"Thank god, she does, or else she would have wore a pair of high heels." came another sarcastic comment from Ishaan.

"Now get in quick you 'retard'" said Sohel.

The rest of the car trip, we went talking, singing and resuming the bubblegum blowing contest and laughing all way long. 


Hello lovely readers, ♥

I put on that image of Louis Tomlinson in this chapter as it somewhat describes the look Aryan is carrying in this chapter , i.e white shirt, black jeans, brown messy hair and of course that really cute smile. 

Well I would like to know if you guys have imagined the characters as someone familiar to you ?   (*winks and smiles sheepishly*)

Okay as always tell me what you like/ dislike about this chapter. Vote and comment! 

Lots of love from Anchita☺


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