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The Amusement Park is amazing!!! I want to try each ride, they all look so thrilling!

We're all having a good time here, we've already been to the Bumper cars, the the chair lift, the fun slide, the orbiter and the giant swing,

and now we are heading for the Ferris wheel, and I absolutely love it. 

Ishaan and Aryan got into one cabin, Abhi and Sohel in the other one and we insisted to let us three girls into one cabin.

We are all seated and the Ferris wheel starts spinning, I can clearly see Ishaan and Aryan cheering and hooting and on the other side situations are not so best for Abhi and Sohel, they both look terrified, I knew about Abhi's fear of height. Talking about us three, we are busy clicking selfies, shouting and cheering at the tiny people down there and we are totally into this moment making the best of it!

After the ride's over we get down, Abhi's still a little unbalanced and Sohel is trying to convince himself that the ride is finally over.

And now, its the time for the big show ! Oh god The Roller-coaster !!! I've been waiting for it since the beginning, while  Aryan had advised to save it for the last, I really liked that idea it fuels my hunger for it.

"You guys ready ???" asked an enthusiastic Ishaan.

"Woooo-Hoooo" we all shot out in response.

We run towards the ticket counter, there's a long queue there, so while the boys wait at the counter, I , Minnie and Sunny went to bring some ice-creams for us, we've been starving but our excitement had replaced our hunger.

We three are carrying seven Ice-cream cones, and mind you , that's a real hard job. Till we reach the boys, our hands are all sticky with different flavours of melted ice-cream on them. We all finish our Ice-creams and while the boys still wait at the line, we three wander about looking for some water to wash our hands.

"Hey run fast! It's our chance next!" called out Sohel, and we run to join them.

"Hey guys I'm not willing to go." said Minnie.

"What? Why?" I asked surprised.

"I think I'm feeling a little dizzy after so many rides." she replied.

"Huh, she's just afraid to be there" commented Sohel,  and we know that's where their fight begins.

"Nah, I'm just afraid that I'll puke that really delicious chocolate ice-cream on your face if I be there, and you know what, your effing face is not worth that super delicious ice-cream, get it ?" responded Minnie, (whoaaa, now that's what you call sarcasm!)

And that's when we all go teasing Sohel and scoffing at that comment.

"Okay now you guys, wrap up your shitty quarrels , Minnie you stay down here and wait until we come back" said our judge - Abhi.

"Ya that'll be good ," said Minnie in a sick looking expression.

"I'll miss ya bae" said that over-dramatic Sunny , hugging Minnie tightly.

"Sunny! You are just going for a ride and she'll be right here, you don't need to do that, I can't bear that much of melodrama" I said mockingly.

"so can't I" whispered Minnie under her braeth.

"NEXT BATCH" shouted the guards.

We bid our bye's to Minnie and headed for the ultimate ride.

We were made to sit in pairs accordingly as we were standing in the queue. So sunny sat with Ishaan, Sohel and Abhi made it together again, and Aryan and I were made to sit together, And I'm so blushing which I need to stop before he notices, but of course you cant control your blush especially when you're next to him and can't stop staring at his stunning killer looks (I gotta stop blushing right now). We fastened our harnesses, still quite excited. 

There are butterflied in my stomach fluttering real hard, every time I get on a roller coaster, I'm always so excited but the moment it starts , I'm like- why did I choose to do this , I wanna get down. But each time after the ride I'm so very pleased.

The ride begins, as we go up the slope, I wanna get off. There it goes, the downward fall , lifting us up our seats and I'm all screaming, and I have a cheering Aryan beside me. There are rounds of slopes and ways, every time we go down, I wanna stop, but it's still too fun. I can hear a high-pitched Sunny screaming, from two seats ahead of us.

I'm holding on to something really hard with my most powerful grip, and its only when our ride is over, that I realise, I had been squeezing on Aryan's right hand with my left, the whole ride. I let go off his hands at once, but i'd been holding on to tight that his fingers have turned bluish. He rubs his hand on this jeans and jerks it. 

"I'm very sorry, I didn't knew that ........ " I get cut off,

"I never thought that your little hands have so much strength." he said smiling flirtatiously at what just happened. I return a sheepish smile at his comment.

"I'm really sorry" 

"No its alright now , it didn't hurt though" he said flashing his smirk.

We both join back to the others who had already accompanied Minnie.

"Oh man, that was so awesome, I wanna go again" said Abhi.

"Yeah dude, the falls were so amazing!" Said Sohel

"I enjoyed it soooo much , but I think I have a damaged left ear, due to Sunny's screams." says Ishaan rubbing his ear.

We laugh and look at Sunny, she is still out of balance and looks bewildered, she lifts up her leg to walk forward, but she goes stumbling down to the ground leaving a screech of pain!!!


Hey there! 

Now that's a really long chapter, isn't it? 

I really love roller coasters but I do have that sickish feeling that Tia has in the beginning . I really love amusement parks , well who doesn't ?? So this chapter was all about the fun these best buddies have together. Was a little less of Aryan's part but........... 

Anyways,  this reminds me of all the great memories I had with my friends and how we will makes many more of them and later one day we would think all about it and laugh , cherishing the precious moments. Cheers to all the fun we had together , love you all  Metro25 ,  jahnavie14 , pranavi2001 !!!!!!!!!!!! 

Well so stay tuned .... all my friends and readers and silent readers don't forget to vote & comment. 

Lots of love from Anchita ..... XOXO ♥♥♥


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