neji hyuuga vs naruto uzumaki!

Start from the beginning

"Oh Neji, you look a bit banged up" Naruto said teasingly.

"Urasai, I took precautions in case this might happen and it's a good thing I did" Neji said with a smirk. Neji's left hand was then covered with glowing GREEN chakra and then his left hand passed over his entire right arm and in a span of 1 minute it was completely healed. Naruto's smile had disappeared.

"Well that was unexpected, you using a healing jutsu" Naruto said.

"Wow this battle is getting intense" Ino said,
"who knew Naruto knew such a powerful jutsu" she added.
"And Neji having the ability to heal since he looks more like a combat oriented person" Sakura added.

"Naruto-kun, be careful" Hinata said quietly to herself.

"Wow that was unexpected, the Hyuga learned some new tricks" Jiraya said. Sarutobi grinned, "Now this is getting interesting" he said.

"Well Neji, guess I have to bring out one of my many secret weapons" Naruto said getting serious.

"Oh really, and what fate tell is your secret weapon?" Neji said. Naruto grinned.

"This" Naruto said and then he formed a cross- shaped handsign. "Tajuu Kagebunshin no Jutsu" he yelled and then an army of over 1000 clones appeared. Neji was surprised at the sheer number of kagebunshins.

"You can't beat me with those things" Neji said and then rushed into the mob of bunshins destroying then left and right, but then Naruto did something unexpected. He…tripped Neji and then Neji fell flat on his face and was introduced to his new friend, the ground.

"That was your plan" Neji said as he wiped the dirt from his face, "tripping me like a child"

"Well it was this child that nearly blew off your right arm" Naruto countered. Neji became silent, but then once again rushed the army of Naruto's before finally hitting one in the heart, the others instantly dispelled and the Naruto that was struck began to bleed profusely from the mouth.

"Since you just don't know when to give up, I'll end it for you" Neji said. Naruto looked up and grinned again.

"I guess I'm just a sore loser" Naruto said and then fell to the ground. Neji smiled while Naruto's friends in the audience gasped.

"It's over proctor" Neji said to Genma before turning, but then he heard the all familiar sound of a poof of a kagebunshin dying. Neji quickly activated his Byakugan, but was too slow as 2 Naruto's punched in the face. Blood came from Neji's burst lips as he was once again hit, but this time in the chin from a triple kick from 3 more bunshins. Neji was sent sky high. Another Naruto then appeared and delivered a swift spin kick to Neji's stomach sending him into a face full of fist from another kagebunshin who had jumped from a nearby wall. Then another kagebunshin who had jumped up using chakra head butted Neji. Neji was bleeding profusely from his face and was bruised heavily and was at least 20 ft. off the ground. The original Naruto then shunshined above the damaged Hyuga and delivered the finisher, the classic axe kick.

"Kitsune Rendan" Naruto yelled as his foot came into contact with Neji's face. Neji then fell to the ground and formed a crater a few feet in diameter.

"It's over" Jiraya said, but was once again surprised when the Hyuga crawled out of the crater, his wounds healing, but slowly from being beaten up so much.

"That was one of my secret techniques" Naruto said and then chuckled. "But it seems I'm not the one who doesn't know when to quit"

Neji gasped as he got into a stance unknown to Naruto. Naruto then felt his whole body freeze. Naruto looked at Neji who was almost out of chakra from healing so much.

"You are within my field of Hakke" he said. "Hakke Rokujuyon Sho/Eight Trigrams 64 Palms" Neji said. Neji then rushed the frozen Naruto striking two of Naruto's tekentsu.

"2 Palms" he said. Naruto gasped in pain as his tekentsu closed shut. Neji then delivered four more strikes shutting down 4 more of Naruto's tekentsu.

"4 Palms" "8 Palms" "16 Palms" Neji yelled as he continued his onslaught of relentless attacks. "32 Palms" Neji said. Naruto was trying not to scream, but found it hard to do from being hit so many times.

"64 Palms" Neji shouted as he delivered his final set of blows, the final one being a strong and powerful one that sent Naruto flying back several feet and rolling on the ground. Neji gasped for breath as he took out a chakra replenishing pill and chewed it. Naruto was on the ground clutching his stomach in pain.

"Kuso, Kuso, Kuso" he said. Naruto then gritted his teeth as he struggled to get up.

"I can't lose here, not when I've made it so far" Naruto said.

'Kyuubi, now I need your chakra now' Naruto thought. Naruto waited for a response which he got in the form of a rushing feeling through his body. Naruto grinned, "Arigato" he whispered. Naruto then rose to his feet which surprised every Hyuga that had come to see Neji fight.

"Impossible, he shouldn't be able to get up after that attack and what is this red chakra that is, if it is chakra?" Neji said. Up in the stands Hyuga Hiashi, Hinata's father watched in surprise.

'It's the Kyuubi's chakra, no doubt about it, but it lacks the feeling of blood lust and killer intent from that night' Hiashi thought.

"Jiraya you taught the boy how to use its chakra" Sarutobi said. Jiraya shook his head.

"Nope, that's to much effort, the boy has a sort of bond with the fox and can therefore access its chakra in certain situations" Jiraya replied. "Now go on gaki show these people here not to underestimate you"

Naruto then looked at Neji and his eyes flashed red for a second as the Kyuubi's youkai surrounded his body in a silhouette that looked like a tail-less kitsune.

"You lose Neji" Naruto said as he shunshined in front of Neji's face. Neji was to surprised to react and therefore was kicked in the stomach and sent flying into the wall creating a Neji shaped imprint. Neji groaned as he tried to get up due to the pain. Then Naruto appeared in front of the damaged Hyuga.

"What are you?" Neji asked, for as he looked at Naruto he saw the image of a fox laughing at him that originated from the core of Naruto's chakra network.

"Me?" Naruto said. " I am the person who's going to avenge Hinata and…someone who will prove to you that fate doesn't control people's lives, like those branch members in the Hyuga who have the seal of a caged bird" Naruto said, his eyes getting soft at the last part.

"Now allow me to show you my newest jutsus" Naruto said as he made 3 kagebunshins. The kagebunshins then focused their chakras and made their respective handsigns. The original Naruto jumped away to enjoy the show.

But before his attack hit neji, neji passed out and genma called the match with naruto as the winner.

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