'Lily, dinner' Tala reminded me.
I mentally swore and quickly hopped off my sorry excuse of a bed and went upstairs to start dinner.

My bedroom is a small room in the basement. It has concrete walls and concrete floors with no windows and no heating so it's always cold down there.
My bed is an old mattress on the floor and a thin blanket. No pillows.

I have a small chest as well which contains my clothes and some keep sakes that belonged to my mother.
My father doesn't know that I took them before he locked all of my mother's things away somewhere.

My mother and father were mates and loved each other very much. You could see the love they had for one another just by looking at them.

My mother was amazing. I was always told that I was an exact replica of my mum when she was younger.
But that's one of the reasons why my father beats me.

I remind him of my mother. My mother who was his beloved mate that died.

I'm a daily reminder to him of what he lost.

Before my mother died, my father was the best dad I could've asked for. He spoiled me, he played with me, he even did my hair when my mother was busy. But most importantly, he loved me.

The day my mother died was the day his love for me turned into hate.

Nothing has been the same since I lost my mom. The day she died I felt like I didn't just lose her. I felt like I lost both my parents because of how my father treated me afterwards.

A small sigh escaped my lips as I broke away from my thoughts.
Oh how I wished my mother was still alive and we were all a happy family again.

I wiped a stray tear from my cheek as I began setting the table. I plated up dinner and stepped back towards the wall. The sound of approaching footsteps caused my body to tense and my head to immediately snap downwards so I stared at the floor.

"You are dismissed mutt. Carry on with your chores" my father grunted as they all sat at the table.
I bowed my head lower then quickly scurried out the back door towards the garden.

I spent the next hour in the garden pulling weeds, planting and collecting the fully grown vegetables.
I carried the basket inside and set it on the ground by the sink then began washing the vegetables. I wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand as I finished washing the last vegetable.

My eyes widened when I heard someone approaching and quickly turned towards the sink and began rewashing some veg to look busy.

"Lillian?" A voice said, causing me to tense before relaxing as I recognised the voice then turned to face Hazel.

Hazel was the only person who didn't abuse me. Although she doesn't stop people doing it, I'm still thankful that I have someone who shows me kindness.

"Would you mind braiding my hair for me? I can't do it and I love how you do it" She asked me with a polite smile.
I quickly nodded and followed her upstairs to her room. She sat at her vanity and I busied myself with her hair.

"Dinner was amazing as always, thank you" she smiled and I nodded in thanks. Once I finished the braid I stepped back.

"Thank you" she grinned as she admired her hair in the mirror. I nodded then left.

I put away the vegetables then went down to my room. I closed the door and walked towards the chest. I kneeled in front of it and slowly opened the lid. Inside was a few jackets, tops, pants and underwear. I only had one pair of shoes and I was currently wearing them.

I moved the clothing out of the way and pulled out the small box that was hidden underneath.
A sad sigh left my lips as I stared at the contents.

My mother's necklace that she wore everyday, a pair of her earrings, her engagement ring and two photographs.

The first photo was of my mother, father and I. I was 6 at the time.
It was my mother's birthday and we had a pack barbecue. I was on my father's shoulders with a happy grin on my face while my father had one arm on my leg to keep me steady and another around my mother's waist as they smiled at the camera.

The second photo was of my mother and I. It was my 8th birthday and I was blowing out the candles on my cake while my mother held it. My mother was laughing because she got one of the candles that don't go out and I was getting frustrated.

I let out a small laugh that turned into a sob. I cried quietly to myself as I stared at the photo.
I slowly placed everything back in the box and hid it again then closed the chest.

I went over and laid on my bed with my knees curled up into my chest and cried myself to sleep.


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