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Now I know who my true friends are
It's not that hard
To figure out
I really only have one good friend
And he was my lover
Actually, he's still my lover
When no one else was there, he was there
When no one else was here, he was here
Mentally, physically, or emotionally
Because I know I may not see him all the time
But he's still there, giving me his time
All my friends are always out, never asking me how I'm doing or if I wanted to go out.
It's like I'm a ghost
Only it happens every day of the year
Not once a year on the same day it falls under
All my friends keep saying that we should hang out one day...
so why don't we?

You say one thing, but do another
You do one thing with me, but do the same thing with that one.
You told me you didn't like her, but you're with her.
You agreed with me, but only to keep a conversation going.

So don't tell me you're my "friend"
Because you're not
A friend is someone who is going to be there for you.
Stay true to you.
Want to be in your life.
Want to hang out with you.
And you're doing (not) that

Thank you to my best friend, my boyfriend (ex) (we're working it out), and my first love for being there for me even when I know you're busy majority of the times and always be there for me no matter what.
Now there true love
As a friend
As a boyfriend
As an ex
As everything

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