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It would've been 1 year and 8 months with you today.

I remember the day we went our separate ways as if it was yesterday.

I couldn't believe what was happening

The one hour we spent together it was pure love and happiness

The next hour later, we were together, frustrated, and I tried asking you for your forgiveness

I cried and cried and I tried and tired

I felt so incomplete

It didn't feel right

I lost a part of who I am and you took it with you

I lost all hope when you told me nope

When you went inside and I walked outside in the rain

I remember you hugged your mom and cried on her shoulder

And I turned around and saw that moment

I slowly turned as if I was in a scene of a movie

The weather described my mood perfectly; gloom and in doom

I sat on the edge of the road just a few steps away from your home

I had no idea what I wanted to do

I was devasted

I was upset

I couldn't help myself

I thought this was it

It's all over now

But somehow,

I got nearly everything back

You're still in my life

We are working on this

Although we aren't together

We are still speaking to each other

I know you feel the same way as I do

I know you still care somewhere deep inside of you

I know you still love me just like I love you

I know you and I are meant to be

I know you're a dream come true

I know you're the one for me

Poetry of  2015-2017 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora