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Ugh, you make me so mad.
You make me so sad.
Why do you have to be such a mean dad?
I don't understand why I feel like you hate me.
It's like no matter what I say, nothing appears to be true for you.
I'm tired of feeling like I have to be stick near you. Like paper and glue put together.
You don't treat my sister this way. You know, your other daughter.
At some point, you need to learn to let me be.
I have to do what's best for me.
I need to learn to grow and be an adult.
You always have to insult me.
"I told you not to dye your hair".
Why do you care?
That's all I keep thinking in my head.
It's my hair, it's my body, I think I can do what I want instead.
You ruin my relationship with my boyfriend.
He's the only person I get to talk to and still be there for me as a friend.
He shows me the affection and gives me attention.
Unlike you, always going out as if a family you have is not much of a satisfaction.
You should just leave me alone. And stay out of my life.
I just wish you were gone somewhere else (somewhere far away from me).
Because of how you treat me and how you don't give me a chance in life, it's like you stab me in the back with a knife.

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