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So it's almost been a month since we broke up
And today, I decided to read your letters
In hoping it would help me feel better

But it didn't
It hurts to know I have to keep my feelings hidden
And not tell you all the things we used to say to each other.
I cried reading through them
Imagining you telling me everything that you wrote down in person.

I really thought it would be a forever thing
Because you were my everything
Hell, you are my everything

I thought I was bad when I was reading your letters and was crying about it when we were together.
No, I still cried about it
And it kills me on the inside
That I just want to tell you everything
Put it all together in a way
And just say it
Like you were able to write it down
And putting it all down into words on paper
Because I know you couldn't do that in words through text.
But you thought it's better to hear it in person
Even saying it in person face to face

I really love you
I really do

You called me princess, "my angel", "my everything"
You even called me baby and that gets me weak
You said you love me so much
And you couldn't wait to see me soon
You carried my picture with you wherever you went.
Like a soldier would
Except you're a Marine  now

You told me I was the only girl for you
I was the only one for you
And you couldn't wait to put your arms around me
Can't wait to wake up next to me in the morning
And sleep next to me at night

And you said you love me
You really do love me

Poetry of  2015-2017 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ