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As my bridge was burning down
I felt my heart was doing the same thing
The bridge that took me somewhere
My heart wanted to have that someone
To take that path with
Somehow that bridge was repaired
It was given a new life
And now I feel my heart being pulled in different directions.
Knowing that I clearly have no idea
Where my heart wants to be
I want to be with you
But you're so confusing
You drive me nuts
I hope you drive me in a place in your life where somehow we met at the bridge where you once made me burn.

I'm so sorry that I've been inactive. I never felt inspired yet and have writers block, too. A lot of stuff has been thrown at me in life and it's confusing but thank you guys so much for the love with this book and my other work. You guys are amazing! Thank you for added it to your reading list and all the above :) I hope you continue to show your support and I will try to step up my game!!! Love you all ❤️❤️❤️

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