Chapter 25- The News

Start from the beginning

"Train is coming in three minutes." Maya says checking her phone and putting it back in her back pocket. We make it to the platform and soon enough make it on the early train. Suprised enough a bunch of people are sitting on the train all looking tired. I find a seat next to the window and I take it, along with Tyler and Maya sitting around me.

"When are we coming back to visit?" I ask Maya.

"Soon, visiting hours open at twelve midday. We have plently of time." Maya says and I yawn. I can't wait to get into my bed.

We arrive back at my house. Maya and I fell onto my bed once we got home and we went to sleep for another five hours. Maya and I were too tired to even talk to eachother or take our shoes off or even turn the lights on.

It's about early lunchtime in the morning and the visiting hours have just opened, so Maya and I had rushed to the hospital.

"Alaska you can go before me. I just have a fear of her waking up while I'm in there and some crazy shit happening." Maya says looking slightly worried at that thought. I can't see why she is scared by that. Must be by all the movies we watch about people waking up from coma's.

The door opens and one of Tessa's family members step out. I look inside the room and I see Tessa still in a coma. I look around and I see Maya beckon me to go in the room. I step in the room and I close the door behind me. A small stool is next to the hospital bed where Tessa lays and I sit on the stool and grab Tessa's hand.

I look down on Tessa has a huge mask almost cover's her entire face and her eyes shut. Her skin is pale along with her dark hair spread out around the pillow around her face.

"Hey Tessa." I say. " I know you probably can't hear me and that I'm just talking to someone in a deep sleep. I wanted to say I'm sorry. It was all my fault. If I wouldn't of come then maybe you and Maya wouldn't of gone either. Then you wouldn't be lying here. I have a huge feeling that it is all my fault. " I say and swallow as I keep my eyes on Tessa. "Who ever done this to you, we will find out. I promise." I say and squeeze her hand that is cold but soft. I hold onto her hand and I feel the slight buzz of her pulse near her wrist, It feels like the small thumping is beating faster.

I look on the heart rate screen and her heart rate increases. Soon enough it's beeping and I hear Tessa start to cough and open her eyes. "Tessa! Tessa. You're awake." I say, I can barely keep my words in and I get up from the stool and I run to the door and I open it.

"Tessa is waking up! Someone get a doctor quick!" I shout and everyone in the hallway looks at me and quickly runs off to try and hopefully find a doctor.

Soon enough the doctor kicks me out of the room with a few nurses following him into the room and remove the mask from Tessa's face and I see her eyes open, along with her coughing and gasping. Tessa looks around the room and the doctor and the nurses cover the complete view of her. Tessa's mother runs into the room and shuts the door behind her./

If this is what Maya is scared of I can't see what's so bad about it. She is dead.

Tessa is going to be okay. I sigh and I join Maya out back in the hallway and I tell her, everything.


"Tessa is awake, mum. I went and talked to her and she just woke up." I hear Alaska say over the phone to Jane as I walk down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Wow. So she is really going to be okay?" Jane asks.

"Yes, she is okay. I'm just so relieved." Alaska says and she sighs through the phone. "I've got to go. I'm going out for lunch with Maya. Talk to you soon." Alaska says before hanging up.

"Oh Tyler, I didn't see you there. Did you hear? Tessa is awake." Jane says.

"Yeah I heard." I say and I take a seat down next to Jane. "Listen Jane. I think I might know who would've drugged Tessa and I." I say and I then realize that I didn't tell anyone I was drugged.

"Wait, you were drugged too? How come you're not in hospital?" Jane says now sounding worried.

"Because it wasn't that bad and I recovered quickly." I say and Jane relaxes.

"Anyway. Annabell had drugged me. So Annabell hates Tessa and her group. Annabell was there all night including the time when Tessa and her friends were there. So maybe Annabell might of drugged Tessa." I say and I see Jane jump up from her chair and grab her coat.

"Let's go to the police. She has messed with these girls enough." Jane says and she grabs her keys.

"Wait! Maybe we should tell Tessa's parent's first." I say and Jane dials a number on her phone and she places her phone on her ear.

"Yes hi. Annabell had drugged your daughter, Tessa." Jane says.

This isn't going to end well.

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