Rare | Isaac

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You were chained up to a tree once again. This happens every full moon because of your stupid anger issues. And if it wasn't for Scott you wouldn't be in this situation. But you're not complaining because he introduced you to the most beautiful man in the world, Isaac Lahey. Yes I know that sounds cheesy or cliché but it's true, his jawline that could cut your finger when you looked at it, beautiful ocean blue eyes, curly hair that you just want to run your fingers through every time you look at it, his stunning smile. Everything in general basically.

Scott has been talking for at least five minutes but you weren't listening. Stiles snapped his fingers infront of your face and you jumped a little then looked at him fast. Scott was watching you with his eyebrows furrowed, "are you even listening?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" You lied but they already knew you weren't.

Stiles raised his eyebrows and he looked at his Jeep Roscoe, "hey Isaac come here." Your eyes widened and you shook your head fast.

He walked over to the three of you and puts his hands in his pockets and raised his eyebrows, "yes?"

You sucked in a breath and held it while your heartbeat rose rapidly. Scott heard it and smirked, "can you help me get y/n out of the chains?"

Isaac nodded and walked infront of you and grabbed the lock. Great it's right under my boobs, how fantastic. It wasn't one of those locks that needs a key, it was the one that you have to put in a password and push in. "Scott what's the password?" Isaac asked and looks at Scott.

Scott smirked a little, "it's 1580."

"You know, you should breath," Isaac said and looked back at you smiling a little. You nodded and let out a small break gulping. He put it in and pushed the numbers but it didn't unlock. Everytime he moved his hand it hit your boobs, it was driving you crazy.

"Scott are you serious? What's the password," you saying whining and trying to get out.

He laughed a little, "okay okay it's 5670." He put it in and it didn't work, you slowly looked at Scott and he smirked and shrugged.

"I-isaac just please rip it off," you stuttered wanting to run away. Isaac looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows confused at why you're acting like this. He ripped it off and the chains fell down the tree. You turned into a wolf and ran into the woods while Stiles stood there with his jaw slightly open.

Scott looked at Isaac, "dude go!" Isaac ran into the woods and looked for you while you sat down with your front paws holding you up. This is why Scott is so over protective over you, you're rare. You heard a twig snap and you looked at Isaac fast and backed up a little.

He put his hands up, "y/n it's me, Isaac." You sat back down and looked at the ground infront of you. Isaac walked over to you and sat next to you. He wrapped his arm around your back and pet your shoulder. You have black fur and white going up your muzzle and then branching out above your eyes, which were ice blue.

"Y/n what's wrong?" He asked but you let out a huff in response. His hands went behind your ears and he started petting there. Your eyes rolled back a little and you leaned towards him letting out a sigh. "Y/n I know you like me."

You looked at him fast and pulled your head away. "Scott told me." You looked away and closed your eyes. "And I like you too."

You looked at him slowly and turned back human forgetting that you'll be completely naked. His eyes widened and his face turned red. You furrowed your eyebrows amd looked down but looked back up fast. "I'm s-sorry I'll j-ju-" Isaac rushed but you shut him up by kissing him roughly. He kissed back and out his hands on your cheeks. You pulled back slowly after you were out of breath and smiled, "I'm glad he told you but I'm going to kill him."

Teen Wolf Imagines And PreferencesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora