Recon | Stiles

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You walked along the row of identical blue lockers and stopped at '678'. You sighed and opened it stuffing the chemistry book back into your locker and grabbed your French one instead. As soon as you're done stuffing your book in your bag a perfectly manicured hand slammed your locker door shut resulting you to jump and turn around fast. "Lydia? Allison? What's good? Why'd you scared the shit out of me?" You rushed scared of what they might do.

"Y/n why so many questions? Just come with us," Lydia commanded grabbing your hand and pulling you I to the lunch room. Your eyes widened as you were pulled to the 'popular' table that was occupied by stupidly attractive faces. The only two you recognized besides Allison and Lydia were Jackson Whittemore and Danny Mahealani. No Scott, and no Stiles which was definitely not a good sign.

Allison pushed you down in between some random girl who stuck her nose up slightly giving you a once over and Danny who offered you a friendly smile which you returned. You looked at Allison and Lydia and stared at them, "what am I d-"

Allison cut you off, "so y/n, me and Lydia were thinking that despite already being here a year you seem to have not....uh..." She hesitated looking for the right words but Lydia cut in.

"You haven't gotten a boyfriend and it's pretty sad," she commented offhand causing both you and Allison to stare at her while she picked at her nails.

You turned bright red and looked around looking for someone or something to help you get out of this situation but no luck. It's obvious people were eavesdropping but yet no one helped. You looked back at the two, "w-well... uh. I just h-havent f-found anyone that I l-like," you managed to choke out.

"Oh sweetie, quit lying. With all that stuttering you did you and I both know you like someone. You might as well tell us now before we are forced to turn to..." She looked down at her nails and back at you with squinted eyes before flashing her famous smile, "more underhand mea-"

"Lydia! There is no need to threaten y/n!" Allison cut in sending her a glare before looking at you. "Lydia is right though, if there's anything to go by its that blush of yours. So just tell us."

You were screwed, Allison was staring at you with a dangerous gaze that she has gotten from years of hunting and Lydia... you could see her holding a knife behind her back if they had to do it the hard way.

"Fine," you mumbled while looking at the entire table of gossipers then looked back at your two best friends, "just not here." You got up and walked out of the cafeteria with both of them behind you.

As you walked to the west wing bathroom you could hear Lydia's heels clicking against the cold tile floor. You walked into the bathroom which was rarely used this period and leaned against the wall. Lydia and Allison stared at you with expected gazes.

"I um..." You looked at the two in defeat and decided to spill the secret you have been keeping for a year in one big breath, "iminlovewithstilesstilinskiokay."

You looked down not wanting to her or see their replies. You heard a giggle from Allison which made you look at them fast. Allison was still laughing but with her hand covering her mouth and Lydia standing there with a smirk. Both of them looked unbelievably smug.

"Come with me," Lydia commanded grabbing your wrist and pulled you out of the bathroom.

"Um Lyds what are you doing?" You asked clearly confused.

"Going to the training field," she replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Nononono you can't do this!" You exclaimed as all of you got outside.

You tried pulling your hand away from her surprisingly strong grip only to have her sharp nails dug into your skin. You looked at Allison and decided to try and pull a Scott, you did puppy eyes which only resorted her to laugh harder gaining the attention of the boys.

You sucked in a large breath as you noticed your other two best friends looking at you in confusion then Lydia and Allison. She stopped infront of the two boys with herself smirking and Allison walking up next to Scott and wrapping one of her arms around his torso smiling at Stiles as well. "Mission accomplished Stiles, little y/n here does have a crush on you," Lydia smirked and pushed you into one shocked, brown eyed boy's chest who's arms were wrapped around you automatically.

"Stiles?" You managed to question at the sudden turn of events. Red over taking the color of your face as you stared into Stiles' eyes. A moment of guilt flashed in his eyes before he grinned.

"So you like me too?" He asked quietly with his eyes staring back at yours. You slowly and hesitantly nodded. "Good, because now I can finally do this." Before you could question what he meant he licked his lips and pressed them awkwardly on yours.

The kiss was awkward, so awkward but yet you felt like it was the most amazing experience ever. Once you had processed what was happening you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed back just as passionately. After awhile you pulled back and breathed hard resting your forehead on his.

You smiled, "you should've done that sooner."

"I kn-" but before he could finish you cut him off and kissed him again and he instantly kissed back. He pulled you closer and you licked his bottom lip which resulted him to open his mouth instantly. While you two were making out the other three were awkwardly standing there.

Scott cleared his throat, "I know this is a happy moment and all but could you two not shove each other's tongues down each other's throats while we're around, thanks."

You pulled back slowly and laughed a little, "sorry guys, but not really." You peck Stiles' lips and Lydia rolls her eyes, "I'm leaving this is so cute yet so disgusting."

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