
Beginne am Anfang

Harry nods, straightening his back out and turning on his heels to head out the door. He takes a deep breath as he walks through the hallway. He really should tell Louis.


"Harry, if you do one more thing for me, I'm going to actually scream in the middle of this store," Louis says, annoyed at the fact that Harry won't let him even pick up a box of cereal from the top shelf. He can reach it. Really, he can.

"Fine," Harry chuckles, placing the cereal box back on the shelf. "You get it," he continues, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I will," Louis mumbles, reaching for the same box that Harry put up. He grips the shelf even with his chest and pushes himself up onto the tips of his toes, but even then, his fingertips barely graze the bottom of the cardboard box. After about 30 seconds of Harry watching Louis embarrass himself, Louis huffs and grabs a cereal from the shelf below the top one and quickly shoves it in the cart. Harry raises his eyebrows at Louis's choice and presses his lips together. "I don't even like that other one," he grumbles.

"Lou, the one on the top is your favorite cereal," Harry laughs.

"Don't patronize me," Louis quips, tugging his t-shirt down to cover his growing belly.

Harry just smiles and pecks his boyfriend on the cheek with one hand on his back and the other on his bump.

"Fucking fags," a mumbling voice comes from behind them.

Both of their heads quickly turn towards the sound of the voice to see the back of a man's head as he goes into the next aisle.

"Hey-" Harry starts, his voice gruff and his eyes full of anger as he steps in the direction that the man went.

"Harry, don't," Louis interrupts, grabbing his arm and pulling him back towards him. "It's not worth it," he sighs.

"But he-"

"is an asshole and will eventually get what's coming to him, but nothing you say or do to him is going to fix whatever's wrong with his life that he feels the need to take it out on the people around him. Just let it go, and let's get the rest of our damn groceries, alright?" Louis says with a defeated laugh.

"Fine," Harry rolls his eyes. "You're still short, y'know," he says as they continue down the aisles.

"I'm 5'9," Louis says with squinted eyes.

"Debatable," Harry shrugs, taking the shopping cart from Louis's hands.


The next morning, Harry walks back into his flat with sweat dripping down his bare chest, a headband keeping his hair out of his face as he wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. He takes his headphones out of his ear and checks the fitbit app on his phone, and, yes, he has a fitbit. He only wears it on his morning jogs though, because he feels that it looks silly with most of his outfits, and his pink band doesn't go with much.

He sees he ran 4 miles and is only moderately impressed with himself, because he did 6 miles last week, but he figures it's good enough since there's a cute boy in his flat.

Speaking of the cute boy on Harry's mind, the moment he takes his headphones out of his ears, he hears the familiar sound of Louis's favorite Spotify playlist that he plays when he's doing literally anything. 'Go Let It Out' by Oasis is the song that's running through his ears at the moment.

When he turns the corner he can see his lovely Louis in the kitchen swaying his hips and bopping his head to the beat of the music as he sings along happily. Harry suddenly smells what seems to be burning pancakes, and all Harry can think of is the time that Louis set his kitchen on fire just by making tea.

He observes Louis from the corner with a smile on his face as the smaller boy continues to dance like nobody's watching, which is obviously inaccurate (not that Louis's aware of that fact). He watches as the shirtless boy protects his belly with one hand while he flips a burnt pancake with the other.

His soft, smooth voice fills Harry's ears as he sings the last lyrics of the song.

The vision of Louis singing and dancing in his underwear while he cooks the pair breakfast is more cliche than Harry ever imagined his life being, but suddenly he feels as though there's 50 pounds pressing against his chest, and his stomach feels like there are a million butterflies ramming themselves against every wall of his abdomen, and yet, Harry doesn't think that he's ever been so happy in his life.

It's in that moment that Harry realizes that he is 100% irrevocably, unconditionally, and inescapably in love with Louis Tomlinson.

A/N: Honestly, fucking finally. I wrote this, and I still can't believe how long it took him to realize that he's loved Louis since before he even fucking knew him skfifduhsfsdf DONT GET ME STARTED

Anyways !

This entire chapter was just a lead up to Harry realizing what's been in front of him for months.

For those of you who like when I bring Niall and Naila into the mix, they'll be back sooner or later!

Q: Is there anything you want to see in this fic in the future? How do you think Harry's going to tell Louis?? (honestly is he ever going to tell him anything bc this bitch needs to get his shit together) ((why am i annoyed with my own character))

p.s. y'all better watch out for the next chapter bc we've all been waiting for what happens for-fucking-EVER. man I'm excited LOVE YALL THANKS FOR READING BE SURE TO COMMENT AND VOTE AND THINGS ILYA (I LOVE READING FEEDBACK LMAO)

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