Ch.11: June the 4th

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The sun warmed my skin and hair as I squinted my eyes up towards it. It was a hot June day, the perfect day for the tournament. Lewis and I sat on a blanket in the grass directly in front of the field. He was turned away from me, resting a hand on my knee. He had always been the touchy feely type, but it was his way of showing he was still paying attention to me despite talking to someone else. Some of his noble friends had come over to sit with us while my dad and his parents wondered off to mingle.

My eyes scanned the area, searching for a familiar boy with an eyepatch. I hadn't gotten to see him since the night before, not even to wish him luck. Despite Ciel not having an athletic build, I knew he had a few tricks up his sleeve.

The purple house and the red house were up against each other first. The purple house didn't seem to take it seriously, having preferred arts over athletics. Gregory Violet was in the outfield with a sketch pad drawing as if he weren't in a game of cricket. The crowd was booing at him.

"What's he doing?" I heard Lewis say rhetorically.

"You know those violet wolfs. A bunch of weirdos if you ask me." The boy beside Lewis returned. My eyebrow ticked. I had almost been in the purple house, so the comment made me feel a bit self conscious.

The boy peered at me. "Aye, Lewis. This is your fiancée right?"

Lewis nodded, smiling over at me. I grinned awkwardly. "I'm Victoria Ashdown."

"Ashdown eh?" a second boy asked. "Your family makes all those medical supplies right?"

I nodded. "My father is in charge of that." My father was the one who created medical supplies and constantly tried to find ways to modernize the field.

"Good family." he nudged Lewis. "Good thing you're marrying into this one, have you tried making babies yet?" The boy laughed, nudging his friend who began to laugh as well.

Lewis' face turned beat red in unison with mine. The thought made me want to throw up. I thought I would be used to it from all the disgusting conversations I've heard between perverted boys at Weston, but it was different when you were involved.

"N-No, I mean," Lewis cleared his throat. "I want twelve boys. And Victoria would have to be a little bit older to handle that."

My eyes widened. Twelve? Was he out of his damned mind? Not that I was going to marry him, I was going to find a way to get out of it, but was that what he truly pictured with me?

A bell rang indicating the first match was over. The red house had won to no surprise. The members' graceful motions were unable to be compared. During the match, people had set up food for the break.

"Who's playing next?" Lewis broke the awkward silence.

"I believe it's the red house again and the blue house." his friend answered, his scarlet red hair moving with the slight breeze. I recalled his name was Carter, but I tried not to remember because to me he was irrelevant.

But I couldn't help but perk up. Ciel was going to be up next! I wanted nothing more than to be able to play side by side with him. Although, it was reassuring to know that tomorrow I would be back to sleeping next to him once again as Victor.

The break came to a halt as the blue team met the red team on field. I saw Ciel in the outfield, his gaze ready like a wolf on its prey. I had hoped all of his training would pay off, considering a week ago he had no idea how to even throw a ball.

Music began to play from seemingly no where. I looked around with curiosity, my gaze resting on the sight of professor Michaelis orchestrating a band. I rose an eyebrow.

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