A New Roommate

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     It got extremely tedious, having to wake up every morning at 6:30 a.m on the dot. I yawned, stretching my arms high above my head. I looked around my lonely dorm and appreciated the way the sun shone through the window and casted an iridescent rainbow glow on the floor. I urged myself out of bed and on the way to the wardrobe, I stripped out of my pajamas. I wasn't worried about anyone seeing me, after all, I was the only one with a dorm to myself at Weston College.

    My father paid loads of extra money to the school to ensure I was all alone. They were skeptical at first, but my father gave the excuse that I had 'anger problems' and that I was a 'danger to others.' I was lucky they didn't send me away to a mental asylum right then and there. I got off lucky, I was still here and I had a dorm all to myself.

    Although, of course that wasn't the real reason I needed a dorm to myself. Weston College was exclusively for boys, and well...

    I was a girl.

Disguising myself as a boy, of course. I opened my wardrobe and took out my usual uniform that held the Sapphire Owl. Before I could put it on, I reached for a roll of white bandages I kept on my dresser. I used them to wrap my breasts, because of course that would be a dead give away assuming someone saw them. I wrapped them without even thinking about it. I had done it so many times before it was simply routine at this point. I slipped on my uniform and took a quick look in the mirror. My shoulder length brown hair was messy around my head, and I grimaced at the sight of it. I pulled it back quickly, a few strands escaping to hang towards the front. My very first year here my hair was practically gone, but since then I had grown it out.

Seven a.m. was morning tea, which I dreaded more and more everyday. Seeing the Prefects and their Fags made the beginning of the day worse than it needed to be. They acted like they were perfect, like they were untouchable.

Now you're probably wondering why a girl was in Weston in the first place. Well, you see, Weston is one of the most prestigious schools in all of England, reserved for the highest of noble sons. I am the only child of my father, who is a noble himself, and it was always his dream to have a son attend Weston.

Although, he did not get a son, he got me.

In efforts to make my father proud and avoid him possibly disowning me, I promised to carry out my schooling here and receive the best education possible.

I was on my way to morning tea which on nice mornings, took place in the garden. Today was sunny and the perfect day for that, so that is exactly where it was. As I made my way there, the four Prefects were with their own houses, being fawned over by younger boys who aspired to be as popular as them.

It was utterly ridiculous.

I belonged to the Sapphire Owl house, and the prefect in charge was Lawrence Bluer. He was, in my opinion, the most stuck up of the four. He followed the rules strictly, but greatly picked on the younger students. He had an odd disliking for me which I never quite understood, considering how introverted I was. I swear, the more you avoid people, the more you attract them.

"Victor!" A familiar voice from behind me exclaimed. I turned around to greet him.

Joanne Harcourt.

"Oh, hello Joanne." I greeted him. Joanne was the closest thing I considered a friend in Weston. He was usually shy and quiet around everyone else, but once we discovered our shared love for books, it was like he broke through a shell. He was in the Scarlet Fox house.

"There's a new professor in our first class." Joanne said. I did not care for the original professor to begin with, so this peaked my interest.

"A new professor, huh?" I said, sipping my tea. "How could you be so sure?"

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