Ch. 10: June the Third part 2

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The ballroom was as grand as ever. It was the largest ballroom I had ever been in. The floors were a stark white marble so seemingly clean it was as if you could eat straight off of them. The pillars in the room were golden, and the matching gold in my dress made it seem as if I was the centerpiece of the room. Eyes were on me, and some of them I even recognized from my house. It was odd, seeing boys look at me when only a day before I was one of them.

Nobles gathered everywhere. Some of them I recognized from my father doing business with them, and others I simply recognized as being of the popular ones. My father kept a hand on my shoulder, urging me through the crowd. In the middle of the ballroom, there were couples dancing to live music playing. Violins and a piano strung beautiful tunes through the crowd.

"I'm going to go mingle." my father said, looking down at me. His gaze was harsh as per usual. I could smell the faint scent of wine lingering from his breath. How much did he drink already? I ended up nodding. "Don't do anything idiotic." he added.

What was I going to do, fool? I watched as he walked off, his figure tall compared to the crowd. Women looked after him giggling, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. I felt a familiar hand grasp around mine and looked to see Lewis next to me. His parents had wandered off as well, most likely recognizing friends of theirs.

"Let's go get something to eat, love. They'll be announcing the teams soon." Lewis said, smiling. His teeth were white against his tan skin. His golden locks were slicked back neatly, his emerald orbs shining against the golden atmosphere.

I nodded in agreement. We began making our way over to the large tables full of food, before a girl with curly blond hair popped out in front of us. She was wearing a baby blue dress, and it suited her green eyes nicely. She was smiling brightly, so brightly it was almost sickening.

"Hello miss!" she exclaimed, holding her hands together. "I just wanted to tell you your dress is very lovely."

I smiled slightly. I wasn't used to such compliments. I curtsied, a light flush covering my cheeks. "If I may say the same."

"How sweet!" Lewis exclaimed, clapping his hands together. "Oh, how I just love female positivity."

I flustered harder. "Victoria." I told her, nodding my head.

"Oh! Yes-" she curtsied. "Lady Elizabeth. But you may call me Lizzie."

It had been ages since I'd talked to another girl my age. It was refreshing, knowing they were able to be exactly who they wanted. She was a pretty girl and seemed to be someone I could try to get along with. "This is Lewis Stanbury, my fiancee." I introduced.

Lewis bowed to one knee and kissed the back of her hand. She flushed, a gentle smile upon her porcelain features. It would have bothered any other girl, seeing their fiancée kissing another girls' hand, but Lewis was just naturally friendly.

Plus I had another boy on my mind.

"Fiancee? How adorable!" she squealed, looking around. "My fiancee is in the tournament!"

I rose a brow, wondering who it could possibly be. I guessed it was a younger boy from one of the other houses, presumably the Scarlet Fox house.

"Come, join us to get something to eat before he comes out." Lewis said, gesturing towards the feast.

"It would be an honor." Lizzie stated, a bright grin on her face. She grabbed ahold of my hand and I couldn't help but flush. "I love making new friends!"

There was every type of meal imaginable. Various meats sat on the table accompanied by different types of seafood and pastas. There were fruits and salads, and almost every vegetable to name. Don't even get me started on the dessert table. There were cakes, pies, cupcakes, and cookies. I spotted tiramisu, my favorite, and made a mental note to return to it after dinner.

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