Ch. 12: Fireworks

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"When I said don't embarrass me, I meant don't embarrass me." My father hissed, glaring at me. I held my cheek where he had hit it, glancing away from his heated gaze. We had been in one of the empty lounge rooms reserved for well-known families such as ourselves. It was us two alone, and he raised his hand once more to strike me.

I took a step back. "Father, I'm sorry." my voice was soft in attempts to not go off the deep end. I hid my intense glare, biting my lip. "He's a friend here at school."

He scoffed, letting out a sarcastic chuckle. "Friends with the Phantomhive boy, huh?"

I stayed silent, pursing my lips. He continued to speak; "I don't care who you are here at school, but for these days you are a girl."

"You want me to be a boy any other time!" I snapped, glaring up at him. I immediately regretted it as he took a step towards me, grabbing hold of my dress and throwing me to the ground. I winced, rolling over onto my side.

"Victoria!" I heard Lewis' voice echo throughout the room as the door slammed shut behind him. He ran to me, helping me to my feet and looking to my father. "Are you all right?"

I brushed myself off, continuing to glare at my father. He looked disappointed upon Lewis' presence. "I'm fine." I said, biting the inside of my cheek. I glanced at the window where the sun was setting and put a hand to my bandage. 

"Come on." he said. "Let us go, the fireworks will be starting soon."

I nodded and he took a bow towards my father. He nodded to Lewis, and kept his gaze on me. Lewis took hold of my hand, walking me through the door, yet I refused to look back.


The fireworks lit up the whole sky in a series of reds, blues, and golds. Lewis had his arm wrapped around my shoulders protectively, but I itched to create a lie to get away from him.

I had to meet Ciel.

It wasn't anything personal against Lewis. I felt a pang of guilt within my stomach. Was this wrong when we were both engaged? But then it dawned on me - none of us CHOSE to be engaged.

Your parents couldn't choose your soulmates.

"I'm going to go find a restroom to powder my nose." I said.

"But the fireworks just started!" he pleaded, his eyes widening.

"I really have to go." I whined. Guilt spread over me due to the fact I was lying. I clutched parts of my dress, biting my lip. He sighed, a smile spreading across his face.

"Fine. You're going back to school tonight, right? Make sure you come say goodbye before I leave if you aren't back in time." he leaned forward and placed the most gentle kiss upon my cheek. I blushed furiously, placing my hand upon it and nodding.

"Of course." I said, smiling gently. Lewis was indeed the kindest soul I knew, but he just wasn't the soul for me. I turned on my heel now, walking down the grass hill we were watching from.

Once I was out of sight I proceeded to sprint, my eyes scanning the area for Ciel. My gaze paused upon a petite figure down near the river, a king's cloak around his shoulders. I bit my lip to hide my smile and sprinted down to him.

He turned to face me. He immediately looked over my head, examining the bandage. "I cannot believe you did that for me."

"Better me than you." I said.

"No. Now how are you going to hide that when classes start again?" he asked, raising an eyebrow as if he were an angry father.

My mouth formed into a silent 'o'. "Damn. You're right."

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